Mar 28 2007

Checkmate On Congressional Democrats, America Will Not Save The Spinach

Published by at 11:50 am under All General Discussions

This is an interesting article on the liberal media’s view of how things will play out on the war funding issue.

President Bush, confronting a Congress prepared to hand him a timeline for the withdrawal of combat troops from Iraq, accused Democratic leaders today of putting American forces at risk with a deadline-laden war-spending bill that he vows to veto.

This standoff over the $120-billion war-spending bills that the House has approved – with a demand for troop-withdrawal by the fall of 2008 – and one that the Senate is debating – with a nonbinding withdrawal targeted for spring of 2008 – places the president in his first real showdown with a Democratic-controlled Congress elected on a wave of anti-war sentiment

In addition, with congressional leaders threatening subpeonas for presidential advisers to testify under oath in an investigation of the firing of several federal prosecutors, Bush is pledging to contest any challenge of his executive privilege in court – setting the stage for a war on two fronts,

The president may hold the upper hand in both battles.

The reality is clear: the Dems do not have the votes to over ride a veto so they either use the lives of out military to blackmail the country or they refund the war without the pork and the little tin general play-acting. And their pretending they have done something is falling on death ears on the left, the right and in the middle:

“In the last election, the American people called out for a new direction,” Pelosi said today, speaking of the new Congress’ first 100 days. “Since the election, Democrats have brought the winds of change to the Capitol…

Well, they sure blow a lot of hot air. If this was so important (to fund the war but not stop it) then why is it ladened down with spinach subsidies and money for political conventions? Are the dems going to go out and say “we are risking the lives of our consituents in uniform to save the spinach!”? Well, they have yet to demonstrate they have some comprehension of the depth of their stupidity. Spinach over troops!! There’s a slogan for 2008.

And another thing, since when did anyone give the Dems a mandate to hire lawyers for partisan witchhunts and bill us taxpayers?

House Democrats are set tomorrow to bring in private sector lawyers — at a cost of up to $225,000 over the next nine months — to help committee staff investigate the Bush administration.

House Judiciary Committee Chairman John Conyers Jr., Michigan Democrat, has drawn up a contract with Washington law firm Arnold & Porter for help in his investigation of the firing of eight federal prosecutors last year, according to an unsigned copy of the contract obtained by The Washington Times.

The contract specifies that Arnold & Porter will subcontract with another firm, Deloitte & Touche, to “assist Democratic members of the Committee on the Judiciary with issues related to the termination of U.S. attorneys by the Bush administration, possible misrepresentations to Congress, interfering with investigations and matter related thereto.”

So the Dems can find money for lawyers to play partisan games and try and hold onto their failing grip on power, but they cannot fund the troops on the front line? It seems we can risk the troops, must save the spinach and please send in the lawyers. These are NOT America’s priorities and they do not do a thing for the country. And the Dems will get creamed for this. We are at war and they are beefing up salads and hiring expensive DC lawyers.

15 responses so far

15 Responses to “Checkmate On Congressional Democrats, America Will Not Save The Spinach”

  1. crosspatch says:

    An interesting angle that I don’t think anyone has gone into any depth on is that the bills that passed the House and the Senate may not be the bills that go to the President’s desk.

    You have to understand that this is all about posturing and propaganda. The Democrats got their votes. The bill could now go into conference committee to reconcile the differences, the pork could be pulled out along with “benchmarks” and sent to the President. He would sign it and the press would ignore what was taken out and crow that the President had signed the bill that the House and Senate passed.

  2. lurker9876 says:

    CP, all the more for conservative bloggers to make sure the Public knows what got removed.

    What’s worse is that Congress is going to take 3 weeks off.

    Let’s see if Bush will take advantage of recess appointments for the DoJ. Will Gonzales last during the 3 week period?

    Did you see Bush withdrawing Sam Fox as the ambassador for Belgium because of Sam’s donations to Swift Boat Vets for the Truth? The Democratic Congress will never vote for this guy.

  3. Simon says put both hands above you head….

    Now, Simon says put them down.Not so fast my “well-meaning” Democratic friends.
    Joined by Chief RINO himself, the Senate Democrats yesterday voted to set an arbitrary timetable for withdrawal from Iraq, putting them in squarely line with th…

  4. Aitch748 says:

    Haw haw haw, what’s America gonna do? The election is nineteen months away! [/democratic_porkmuncher_mode]

    That’s right, Dems, make the political climate such that the only safe option for the totally innocent is to plead the Fifth and NEVER cooperate, AND lard the warfunding bill with so much lard and with such unacceptable provisions that the Commander in Chief won’t sign it. In the middle of a war. Yeah, I’m sure this is what America had in mind when they decided to take the ball from the Republicans and see what game you morons got. Niiiiice going, guys.

  5. Jacqui says:

    What’s worse is that Congress is going to take 3 weeks off.

    Bush should stay in DC and the Republicans should take advantage of the fact that the Dems will not get the bill to the President until after they return from vacation. Let’s see them highlight that while our troops and their families are in danger of getting financial support – the Dems are frolicking on vacation. Great way for them to support the troops don’t you think ?!!!

    They should hold daily press conferences saying that they are there in DC waiting for the Dems to come back from their “fun in the sun” and take care of the troops and the military families. The Republicans are off the hook since they did not block the bill in the Senate….it all falls into the lap of the Democrats.

  6. crosspatch says:

    “all the more for conservative bloggers to make sure the Public knows what got removed.”

    99% of America has never read a conservative blog. If it doesn’t make the 5 min news broadcast during people’s commute hour, it doesn’t exist for the vast, vast majority of the US population.

  7. Carol J says:


    “You have to understand that this is all about posturing and propaganda. The Democrats got their votes. The bill could now go into conference committee to reconcile the differences, the pork could be pulled out along with “benchmarks” and sent to the President. He would sign it and the press would ignore what was taken out and crow that the President had signed the bill that the House and Senate passed.”

    It’s actually much worse than that:

    Harry Reid, in a FIT of pique (I’m sure) has decided that since the President is threatening a “swift” veto, that he and his fellow morons would hold funding up in conference until after Easter because Bush can not veto it until it reaches his desk!! Reid says that we shouldn’t shed one more drop of blood in Iraq and then promptly opts for an 18-month benchmark!! He is saying that those who will have to die during those 18 months are going to have to die for nothing because the Dems will not be responsible. They want to lay it all on Bush and wash their hands of the aftermath. No matter how many have to die after we leave, they will not be responsible.

    The troops need those funds NOW and the Dems are prepared to rob them of critical money in order to stick it to Bush? Couple that with hiring private attorneys on our tax dollars to pursue political investigations is one of the sickest things I ever heard of.

    These people can NOT be allowed to win…ANYTHING!!! PERIOD!!

  8. lurker9876 says:

    CP, you’re right and ’tis a shame. No wonder those lefty posters actually believe the 99% media.

    Bush and the Republicans already knew that the Democrats were going to take 3 weeks off. They must have another ace up their sleeves. Hope so!

    And Bush also may have some emergency funds to keep the troops going past April 15th? Sh! Sh!

  9. owl says:

    99% of America has never read a conservative blog. If it doesn’t make the 5 min news broadcast during people’s commute hour, it doesn’t exist for the vast, vast majority of the US population.

    I agree and I must know them all because they are all around in friends and neighbors. It is the reason that I have ranted and sent emails about MSM for over 6 years.

    This is NOT just a Bush problem… is a GOP problem that needs fixing. Someone that pretends to do PR for Republicans need to figure a better way AROUND. Blogs are great but still can not compete with the ‘general opinion’, which is a fake opinion written, promoted and bombarded on the public until they are so sick of it they accept it as Truth. I have even seen this ‘fake opinion’ taken up by the Right on certain subjects. It’s BS.

    This latest American attack by Dems could really be used……but will it?????? I have become a doubter. You can’t change people’s minds unless you can reach them. Since the MSM will soon spin this as Bush taking money from the troops…….somebody better get on the ball. Something so outrageous that the MSM is forced to show the pictures. How about all the Republican Congressmen wearing shirts on the steps that say
    Democrats: Starve the Troops, Save the Spinach
    Bumperstickers distributed free by the GOP. What the heck….take a million of the GOP and give away the shirts. It would be the best money ever spent.

    The masses are NEVER exposed except to the distortions.

  10. lurker9876 says:

    CP and AJStrata, question for ya…

    I see that there’s a feeling of anger among an increasing number of Americans. Amazing how those polls don’t seem to reflect this number, misleading the Democrats into thinking that this is the mandate of their win.

    How many of you Republicans actually stayed at home on November 7, 2006?

  11. owl says:

    I also think it would be good for the Repubs to stay in town and work. Perfect time to wear their new duds…..take on the appearance of the college kids that work the campaigns. Just do Something that forces the camera to actually say a correct message.

  12. owl says:

    Wild horses (or even Repubs that think Bush should walk on water) could make me stay home lurker. War=straight ticket.

  13. crosspatch says:

    I didn’t stay home on election day. I voted.

    But I believe it is now time for people who rarely if ever write to their congressional delegation to do so. Not email, not “canned” web forms or petitions … sit down and put pen to paper, put it in an envelope and send three letters, one to each senator and one to your House representative.

    Pen and paper letters from individuals they don’t normally hear from carry a lot of weight. The “silent majority” is usually just that. They are used to hearing from the more fanatic members of both sides and those notes don’t carry a lot of weight. Now is the time for people, if you are concerned with how our Congress is behaving, to let them know about it in your own words with your own time and effort to pen a letter in your own hand and mail it.

    Enough is enough.

  14. Terrye says:


    If that happens and the benchmarks and timetables are not met, I think people will figure it out. I mean it will dawn on them that none of the stuff the Democrats said had to happen, is happening.

    The ones who do not realize that are not paying enough attention for anything to reach them.

  15. crosspatch says:

    I would say that upward of 90% of Americans don’t really care about the politics, they just don’t want us to lose. The press will make some one sentence mention of the fact that the benchmarks were pulled out in committee and that would be that. Most people dont understand what that means anyway.