Jan 16 2007

Adultery Is Sexual Assault?

Published by at 10:15 am under All General Discussions

Want to know why some doubt the reasoning powers of judges and legislators? Take the argument in Michigan that adultery is considered a felony sexual assault (even though, clearly, adultery is consensual between those having the sex). Obviously someone is not thinking at all in this one. Why do we have to settle for such low caliber people for these important jobs? The cluelessness boggles the mind. Hat Tip The Doua Report

5 responses so far

5 Responses to “Adultery Is Sexual Assault?”

  1. Carol_Herman says:

    Is this Shi’a law? Or something from the muzzies?

    I know our legal system is in terrible trouble.

    Perhaps, since this crap was once the province of religion, what we’ve done is turn over things to the law, that the law is in no way meant to handle?

    Can it be fixed?

    Because it seems the problems are manifest in the judiciary, itself.

    I’ve noticed one improvement, here, in CA. Where on my ballot, in all previous years, you’d see judges running unopposed, now there’s a “NO” box, and there were 10 judges running separately. All presenting the voter with the choice of saying “no.”

    Plenty of corruption to go around.

    Turns out that most civil matters are NEVER EVEN SEEN BY ANY JUDGES. Only 3% of all the cases ever filed in civil court, actually get in front of judge and jury. 97% are just tactical maneuvers. Where one side settles. For money. Or looks like they’re willing to fight. So the case is withdrawn by the other side.

    How did the law get this bad?

    Well, how did the teaching profession get to a place where the teachers don’t even know how to spell or do math?

    Plenty of critical stuff out there that seems dependent on imaginary credentialing.

    And, when it comes to da’ law, a lot of the crap that’s selected is done by a back-room process, where the governor owes “favors.” And, this stuff is passed around like rancid candy.

    Will there be a follow through, here?

    Because one of the bones tossed to judges deals with the fact that they not only “arbitrate” with “discretion” … there’s nothing up the chain of command that fixes these errors.

    (You know, when you buy a home, you could be buying something that idiots pasted together. I had a handy man tell me that in his own condo unit, to cover up a flaw when the toilets were inserted; the men on the job got away with doubling up on the containers of wax. Put there for the toilet to sit on top of the pipes.)

    Again. We just don’t know who is doing the work. And, what they can get away with when they do it. And, when the problems come, a lot of people decide it’s just better to sell, and move. Than repair the things that weren’t put in properly.

    A long time ago, on TV, there was a wonderful show. With a guy called Norm. He said when he was out house-hunting with his beloved wife, she almost divorced him. Because he’d look at a house she loved (and wanted them to buy), by going upstairs. And, putting his hands down the wall where the roof met the house line. Only to discover wet walls. His wife cried all the way home.

    But there ya go. Problems can’t be skirted forever. And, when someone is a pro he can have a wife who doesn’t want to know.

    It seems we’re all in this boat, together.

  2. crosspatch says:

    That problem came out of an instances by a prosecuter that sex in exchange for a drug transaction (a felony) was, according to the state law, 1st degree sexual misconduct which says that it is sexual misconduct when sex is involved with a felony. The problem here is Michigan still has adultery on the books as a felony so according to a strict interpretation of the law, yes, extramarital sex would be considered sexual misconduct in the first degree.

    They just need to get their laws straight.

    Sometimes if you want something real bad, you get it real bad.

  3. For Enforcement says:

    Upyer, need a legal opinion here. Is it unconstitutional or not?

    Sounds like a bunch of libs running loose.

  4. Retired Spook says:

    Sounds like a bunch of libs running loose.

    FE, I think you’ve nailed it.

  5. momdear1 says:

    Long ago, when we had our first run in with the law I figured it out. The only way to get justice in this country is to put a sheet over your head and get your justice in the night. My son was assaulted by someone who thought he was someone else. After we swore out a warrent for the guy, his lawyer advised him to swear out a warrant for my son, falsely accusing him of calling him a dirty name and instigating the attack. It ended up costing us $350 to pay a lawyer to arrange for him to drop the charges against my son in exchange for our dropping the charge against him. Some justice. That’s the last time we tried to use the justice system. It doesn’t work. It’s broken by crooked lawyers who work to get their client off regardless of whether they are guilty or who gets hurt nt he process. A pox on the lot of them. It’s little wonder Lawyers head up the list of bottomfeeders.