Jan 12 2007

Watch And Learn

Published by at 12:32 am under All General Discussions,Iraq

Obama the Wannabe:

We’re not going to baby sit a civil war,” Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., told NBC’s “Today” Show.

No junior league Senator. You are going to witness decisive leadership and a will to win. The lesson is just beginning. And you my son, are not ready to lead this nation. Watch and learn.

10 responses so far

10 Responses to “Watch And Learn”

  1. For Enforcement says:

    My thoughts exactly, He has bought the Dems line hook, line and sinker. Sounds like no independent thought on his part.

  2. Terrye says:

    Well except for some off hand remarks about sending cruise misilles into Iran. Typical.

  3. For Enforcement says:

    I watched Washington Journal this AM and Brian Lamb did a good job with the question. ” Is America the greatest country on earth?”
    I’m not sure how many called in the one hour, probably 15-20. One said that the US was not but when asked what country was, said there wasn’t one. Most callers had foreign accents, some were immigrants and were almost unanimous that the US is by far the greatest country. One caller said maybe China and Iran were two of the greatest, but when asked if he would like to live there or to give up his American citizenship to live there said NO. Various reasons were given, but it is clear that the US is basically the only country people want to immigrate to and is also one of the only countries that will allow immigrants. It is certainly the only country that will allow people that are looking to improve their standard of living without contributing to the country. All other countries will only allow someone in that can prove they are bringing something to that country to benefit the country. Even Australia will not allow Americans to immigrate unless they can prove they have enough money to never be a burden on the Australian government. But I have traveled to many foreign countries, and in my opinion, no other country comes even close. Certainly no other country has benefitted the world, given so many people freedom as the Americans. Love it or Leave it? Nobody wanted to leave it. That’s for sure.

  4. the good doctor says:

    Why are you surprised? He is to the left of the left ,basically a socialist with absolutelly no experience in anything to boot.

  5. For Enforcement says:

    I don’t think anyone is surprised.

  6. Barbara says:

    The dems are good about bringing in some guy who nobody ever heard of before. Look at Carter. Came from nowhere. Actually he was governor of Georgia but who had ever heard of him.

    Now they think Obama would make a good candidate for president. A guy whose only experience in politics is less than two years in the senate. As if anyone could get experience in foreign policy in the senate. Oops, forgot about all those dem senators who met with our enemies and conspired…uh….negotiated…..uh…..whatever it was they did with them.

    However, Obama would never carry the south. I know people will say what a racist remark that is but it is the truth. And he would not carry anyone who realizes what a novice he is. The dumb idea of putting a person in the office of the presidency who knows squat about foreign policy or anything except what he learned in the senate. And we all know what that is “you scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours”.

  7. wiley says:

    I agree, but if the next pres were to be a dem, I’ll take Obama over Her Thighness (Hillary), over the fraud Kerry, over the loon Kucinich, over the idiot Biden, over the blowhard Dodd, perhaps over Edwards, and of course, over Algore. Let’s just hope we don’t have to go there.

  8. upyernoz says:

    A guy whose only experience in politics is less than two years in the senate. As if anyone could get experience in foreign policy in the senate.

    two things:

    first, you’re wrong that obama’s political experience started with his current term in the senate. obama was in the illinois state house. he has been a politician for a while. just because he wasn’t widely known on the national stage doesn’t mean he wasn’t known in illinois (i lived a couple blocks from the edge of his district in the 1990s and was definitely aware of his name)

    and second, the senate does deal with international issues all the time. in fact, obama already has more foreign policy experience than our current president did before entering office. after all, a governor has less experience with foreign affairs than a senator does

  9. Barbara says:

    obama already has more foreign policy experience than our current president did before entering office. after all, a governor has less experience with foreign affairs than a senator does

    You know, you leftys always forget the W grew up in Washington. His father was in national politics just about all W’s life. His father was vice president for 8 years and president for 4 years. W lived and worked in the white house. To say he knew less than a state senator from Illinois about foreign policy shows how supremely ignorant you are. He has known most of the players in Washington for decades and probably has all their numbers also.

    Besides when I said politics I did not mean local or even state, I meant national which is what we were discussing. And I doubt if the senators learn anything about foreign policy at all. Their staffs might but they do not personally. They don’t learn anything at all. They depend on their royal entourage to keep up with the facts and question them during proceedings all the time.

  10. upyernoz says:

    His father was vice president for 8 years and president for 4 years. W lived and worked in the white house. To say he knew less than a state senator from Illinois about foreign policy shows how supremely ignorant you are.

    W never lived in the white house. he was all grown up and a businessman by the time his father was vice president.

    and whether W knew more or less about foreign policy than a state senator (which is not what i said, by the way. i was comparing W to a 2 year u.s. senator, as obama is now), depends upon the state senator in question. i mean, you don’t have to be a senator or president to know about foreign policy. people here debate foreign policy all the time without holding any public office. but if we’re talking about experience in foreign policy making, then a u.s. senator clearly has more of that than a governor. W never had any job that dealt with foreign policy prior to becoming president. obama already has just by virtue of his 2 years in the u.s. senate.

    but if you want to switch back to the extent of knowledge of foreign policy, that can’t simply be told by a person’s resume. i have no doubt that many senators are ignorant of a lot of foreign issues and, as you point out, just have their staff deal with them. the difference is that obama has made foreign policy one of his issues. he even spoke out against the iraq war in 2002 before he became a senator. he’s lived in a foreign country (indonesia) and he taught a class on international matters at the university of chicago law school.

    one further proviso: i’m not saying that i am slobbering over an obama presidency. i am not an obamaite. at least not yet. i haven’t made up my mind about him, to be honest. but all i’m saying is that the claim that he has had no experience in foreign policy or no knowledge in it is simply not correct. that’s a different issue of whether he would be a good president.