Nov 03 2006

DoJ And FBI Warned On Partisan Leaks

Published by at 11:52 am under All General Discussions

I had to laugh at a WaPo article the other day that acted surprised that all these scandals were popping up right before the election and were going to swamp the GOP. Well, duh! Democrats can’t win on ideas. Many of these scandals are tied to leaks by FBI and DoJ sources it seems. The trick goes like this. A partisan hack claims malfeasance by an opposing party’s candidate and the FBI and DoJ are REQUIRED to investigate the matter. Once that happens partisans on the inside can leak anything they want to a pliant and despicable liberal news media. Well the NY Times is reporting that the DoJ and FBI are starting to crack down on these little games – and hopefully some partisan heads will role after this election. No party should use law enforcement to attack the other party. Never. It is the worst abuse of power akin to what a Nazi would do in Germany in the 1930’s. This is not a game.

6 responses so far

6 Responses to “DoJ And FBI Warned On Partisan Leaks”

  1. crosspatch says:

    Rasmussen had an interesting data point recently in their daily Bush approval rating poll. Basically Bush has the support of nearly 50% of people who work in private industry but only 15% of government employees. The leaker could be someone as low on the food chain as a secretary or mail clerk.

    Seems government employees tend to be Democrats by a wide margin so while the administration might be staffing the top positions with appointees, the career positions that fill the offices in the halways are Democrats.

  2. clarice says:

    How did the NYT learn of this except by a leak?

  3. crosspatch says:

    It was on a publically accessable website.

  4. Barbara says:

    It is really scary to discover how far the left has infiltrated our government. If 8 years of Bill Clinton did this, just think what 8 more years of Hillary Clinton could wrought. They would take over every facet of government and we would be helpless to stop them because they would have dumbed down the military again.

  5. The Macker says:

    Employee unions at all levels of government are the backbone of the Dem Party

  6. Barbara says:

    Unions for employees of government should be against the law. There is a conflict of interest here. Employees cannot put union rights ahead of the peoples rights. It is insane to allow private companies to have influence over government employees.