Oct 07 2006

Message To Democrats: This Is Not America

Published by at 6:58 am under All General Discussions,Foleygate

The Foley scandal has brought out the worst in the Democrats. One man has misused his position of power to possibly prey on children or young adults. But that one person’s behvior is not an excuse to violate other tenants of America, including innocence until proven guilty in a court of law and honor and respect for fellow Americans (and their reputation). I understand many on the left have worked up secret fantasies in their heads about a ressurection of liberalism in this country. I understand these people bad mouth everyone who disagrees with them when they huddle together, in order to easily prop up their egos and avoid the hard path of having to actually debate and acquiesce with everyone else in a serious and adult manner. How else could these people be selected to save the world unless the rest of us our evil and stupid. But while all that may fit nicely into how people personally face the reality that liberalism is a concept that had run its course, it does not mean we in America are going to respect when that frustration boils over and crosses the line of basic civility.

Case in point in is the Democrat baseless rant response to the President’s radio address this weekend (a Holiday that for me includes the town’s homecoming parade and HS football game – a time of community). The radical response that has been recorded for this weekend is an afront to America and her values, nothing more:

Patty Wetterling stood in the KSTP studios in St. Paul on Friday afternoon, her hands shaking slightly as she talked about keeping children safe, ex-U.S. Rep. Mark Foley and political scandal.

“Foley sent obvious predatory signals, received loud and clear by members of congressional leadership, who swept them under the rug to protect their political power,”…

This is not the first time Wetterling or a Democrat or a liberal media talking head has made slanderous and false charges. Wetterling lost a child 17 years ago, and my heart goes out to her for that. But again, that does not provide her any extra special rights or protections against harming others in a fit of misguided anguish. If she is having troubles separating he drive for power from her loss, and if she cannot distinguish between people who disagree with her politically verses a true predator, then it is not the Republicans fault she is not up for the job of elected leader.

Her opponent summed it up well, and made it clear that those of us politically opposed to the left will not stand by and be their emotional punching bags, outlets for their frustrations with life.

But her opponent, Republican state Sen. Michele Bachmann, contends Wetterling is crossing the line from advocacy into partisanship. She points to Wetterling’s recent TV ad criticizing Republican leadership for failing to act sooner about Foley.

In the ad, produced within days after the scandal broke, Wetterling charged that “congressional leaders have admitted covering up the predatory behavior of a congressman who used the Internet to molest children.”

“What just seems ironic here is that she’s more interested, at least from her TV ad, about going after Republicans than protecting the innocence of children,” said Bachmann.

When the ad first aired, “no one had admitted anything” about what they knew or didn’t know, Bachmann said.

“At this point, what would be wrong is to turn this into a partisan battle,” she said. “Like in her TV ad, she calls for lopping off the heads of Republicans before she had the facts.”

Charging ahead and throwing out wild accusations at your competition (good people trying to run for office are not the devil incarnate) without the facts (and in this case despite the facts) is simply not America – or one we want. If every person of power could lash out at someone they disagreed with and slander their reputation, what kind of country would this be? The Democrats are once again offering this country nothing in terms of proposals and ideas and simply begging us to be their enablers and condone acts we wouldn’t allow inside our homes. While I am not completely happy with the Reps and their misteps and their over reaching, the fact is they have goals and ideas in mind (and a track record now of not destroying the country for 12 years).

Lashing out half cocked may feel good, but it will never represent what we want as a core characteristic of this country. Muckraking and impugning the character of those you simply disagree with is not something we will hold up proudly and say “this is America”. The reason I know liberalism is a dead movement is because the defining feature of it now is unhinged anger. It also has an over abundance of vague, simple platitudes wrapped in foul mouthed, immature adjectives about people who do not embrace vague, simple platitudes as the total depth of reality in this existence. It is not simply ‘care and protect the children’. Oh there are days when I wish it was. You have to let them grow, investigate, discover the world and the people in it, to wander on their own (in stages), to deal with the good and the bad in the world – safely.

The LA Page, whose emails started this whole scandal (and which were apparently forged by a website used as a supposed source for the emails) went to his parents and his Congressional sponsor and asked for the uncomfortable (but not illegal) communications to stop. The Parents and the leadership of the House took action and the communications stopped. The family involved asked for the affair to stay quiet – as it should have. The use of this inoccuous event to drive a made-up national scandal did result in one thing, kids and families facing future acts like this – or worse – will be less inclined to do something if they cannot retain their privacy in doing so. This family has stated publically the greatest threat in this set of events was the media and partisan publicity and attention.

This is not America. We do not make wild accusations. We do not abuse the proper acts of children and parents to stop something from happening as bludgeon agains them and others. We do not use stereotypes to insinuate guitl – that is pure profiling (like to say a Gay man is fond of young men leads to predation of children). We excised those demons of bigotry, racism, sexism, etc as best we could. We do not want them back. Democrats should heed this warning.

35 responses so far

35 Responses to “Message To Democrats: This Is Not America”

  1. retire05 says:

    Can it be that the wailing and knashing of teeth coming from the liberals is due to the hand writing they see on the wall? Can it be that some, who are really in tune with the pulse of fly over America realizes that Americans are really not interested in how much mud you can make stick on your opponent, but are interested in how much their property taxes are going to be, how much of their pay check they can take home and how secure is their family and that is creating a great deal of worry in the liberal sector?
    We have had the 60’s and 70’s of “make love not war” and we see how far that got us. We realize that all the social programs in the world cannot instill ambition in humans and all those social programs not only did not acheive what they were designed to acheive but rather, were like pouring money into dry holes. We have seen how an entire city, New Orleans, was a case in point showing how no amount of money can buy ambition, self reliance and independence. We have seen what happens when we are not ready militarily and how our soldiers suffer do to the “cuts” make to balance a budget. We have seen how “being nice” gets us killed. State after state is turning red because we are tired of liberalism that doesn’t work and doesn’t solve the problems the liberals tell us it will.
    We are a nation of laws but we are also a nation of values and we have seen that when you turn your back on those values, things do not improve, they get worse.
    Most Americans do not fit into any “special interest” catagory and are getting tired of supporting those who do.
    Can it be that those radical responses from the left are nothing more than their swan song?

  2. Limerick says:

    The danger we face is NOT from a bankrupt left. They have plenty of assets to use against us. They own the MSM. They own the universities. They own the public school system. Most importantly they own the headcount in all the cities. To discount their power is dangerous to our nation.

    The headcount is the most important asset they have. University trained leaders go to the cities and gain control of the school boards, tv stations, city counsels, and media studios. Their energy is pumped into the headcount via bread and circus. The single most threatening program to their power is the very program we conservatives are trying to HELP the poor out of their hand to mouth situation; ‘No Child Left Behind’.

    To teach the children to read and understand. To teach the children that knowledge will empower them to fulfill their dreams. The left cannot allow the headcount to become educated. The left cannot allow the headcount the skills to think critically. The left cannot allow the headcount to look behind the headlines.

    The left is far from finished in this fight. To believe we have them on the run is to court disaster.

  3. For Enforcement says:

    Retire, an excellent assessement. And that is followed up by another really good point by Limerick. The most disturbing thing to come out of this week is the willingness of the conservatives to throw their leadership to the wolves in an attempt to look righteous.
    Maybe some mistakes were made, but would replacing that leadership by John Conyers, Nancy Pelosi and John Kerry make a better world?

    Not my world. Look at the incident at Columbia Univ where the flaming liberals (actually these were most likely Progressives) wouldn’t allow free speech by the MinuteMen. We never see this kind of action by Conservatives(with of course some rare exceptions) but it is Cause De’jour by the Liberals.
    Yes, the Progressives have taken over Higher Education and the liberals are running the elementary and High schools. So Limerick, your point about educating people will make them free (from Progressives) that is true if they don’t buy into the party line indoctrination of the Universities like Columbia and Yale.

    But I’m encouraged by our chances.

  4. MerlinOS2 says:

    Well said all.

    A point is valid that the dems response to the lower strata of society being where they are and in need of social programs to minimize their situation, even though the real reason is to make them a captive voter base because of their perceived compassion.

    Our side is for empowerment of that same group, dispite the lefts choice to use the same word as their battle cry.

    In reality the left can only hold them by continuing their enslavement and fears in many ways their empowerment.

    Perhaps some of the 200,000 or so Katrina New Orleans people who have not returned and spent their prior whole life in New Orleans may possibly be realizing that where they are now is so much better than their situation they had in a forever democrat controlled and administerd New Orleans.

    Hopefully the vail has lifted for some and the message will propagate by word of mouth.

  5. Ken says:

    Perhaps Limerick can explain why,if the media is owned by the
    “extreme left”,it cheer-led for the Iraq War in the run-up to
    it and refused to investigate the lies emanating from the Bush
    Adm. and the Pentagon related to false intelligence and its
    Is Strata denying the higher rate of ephedophilia and pedophilia
    per capita from homosexuals? The last paragraph posted seems to.

  6. retire05 says:

    Limerick, I understand what you are saying. My brother graduated from the University of Texas in 1978 and it was full of far left, liberal indocrtinators even back then. But that is changing.
    When my brother went to UT, there was no student Republican organization. There was no group demanding equality for conservatives on college campuses back then. He was in the ROTC (later retired with 20 from the Navy) and he was the rare breed, a student who did not protest the military.
    But it is changing. Conservative students are speaking out and demanding an education, not an indoctrination into the socialist culture. Parents are beginning to question professors.
    Twenty years ago there were no truly conservatives in the media. Hell, the heavy weights (Dan Rather, Tom Brokaw, et al) contributed to the loss of the Vietnam war with their biased reporting. Now, we are seeing alternatives. Just look at talk radio. Rush is more popular than ever, the top talk shows are conservative and Air America is bankrupt. Why do you think that is? It is because the pendulum is swinging the other way. Americans, as a whole, are becoming more conservative. And as a whole, Americans are becoming more educated into the blood sport we know as politics.
    I grew up in a state that was so blue it was blinding, Missouri. Look at it now. It is becoming more and more red with each passing year.
    As each state falls, the liberals become more and more aware that their philosophies are not being accepted by Joe Average. And Joe Average is beginning to ask if the programs given to us by the liberals are so damn good, why are teen pregnancies increasing, why are the welfare rolls increasing, why do we have a problem with high school drop outs. We are beginning to realize that the only thing poverty breeds is more poverty and that the only way out of poverty is an education and a job. We are tired of those who chose the easy way of letting the government take care of them on our dollar. The more educated we become, the more we realize that the liberals are pushing no more than a socialist society. The Earned Income Tax Credit is just one example. So my taxes are taken to give to some who gets back more than they paid in. Socialism, pure and simple.

    Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, and all other conservatives would not have been able to get a radio gig in 1970. Now, the liberals can’t keep one station, Air America, going.
    Here is one comparison for you: look at the anti-war movement in the 70’s. It was strong, well funded (by the Communist Party of America, for one) and had momentum. Now look at the anti-war movement today. Cindy Sheehan had a press conference the other day at at the National Press Club. Attendance? No one except for a few foreign reporters. The anti-war protests? Drawing small crowds and basically a bust. The pro-illegal marches garnered thousands but had the reverse effect they were looking for. After Americans saw their flag flown upside down and under the Mexican flag, they started screaming even louder against illegals.
    Americans are demanding secure borders. They are demanding political equality in our universities. They are demanding that professors like Ward Churchill be given the boot.
    There is a conservative movement that is quiet but dedicated and while the movement does not scream and shout, it is getting it’s point out there and Americans are shaking their heads in agreement.
    The Foley scandal will only come back to bite the liberals in the tail. Bloggers like AJ will get the truth out there. And when the time comes for the left to face their own Foley scandal, they will have backed themselves into a corner and will wind up eating their young because they themselves set the standard. Little did they think in 1983 that Gerry Studds would ever come back to haunt them.

  7. Limerick says:


    You are a prime example of a lefty who cannot spit out the kool-aid and think for himself.

    The suggestion that the media is pro-war is the most ridiculous of your agruments. As to the ‘lies’ of the Bush administration I guess the only way to break it down into a simple enough metaphor for you to understand is this:

    My neighbor calls me and tells me there is a man in my yard pointing a gun at my window. My brother looks out the window and says their is a man pointing a gun at my window. I call the police and they arrive and jump on the guy. He is holding a broom stick. Did I LIE TO THE POLICE?

    You spout all the same ol’ crap that PelosiRangleConley spout to the headcount.

    Isn’t if odd to you that YOU BASH THE INTELLIGENCE SERVICES information that lead us into this war THEN YOU LAUD THE SAME INTELLIGENCE SERVICES who give ‘the war is hard’ scenarios now.

    Every day common sense is lost on you my friend. Have another swig of the Kool-aid. It’ll make you feel better.

  8. az redneck says:

    Ken: A more direct answer to the media cheerleading for the war can be found here:


    And don’t ever let anyone forget it!

  9. Limerick says:

    Ken, all:

    My wife just made me say three ‘Hail Marys’ over my rant. I let my personal emotions turn my argument into a rude personal attack. I apologize for letting it get the better of me. Those are the times we live in and I fell right into the trap.

  10. For Enforcement says:

    Ken, since no one else asked, what is ephedophilia. Dictionary doesn’t have it and never heard of it?

  11. Ken says:


    Limerick should scrutinize this cogent piece establishing infiltration of the US government and foreknowlege of 9/11–proven while,again, noting the avalanche of lies from Condi Rice and other Bushies.

    Strata should also get off Foley and on to the ramifications of the Woodward revelations as explained above– this is supposedly his area of emphasis, or closely related.

    As far as the behavior of the MSM pre-war, many organs issued
    mea culpas for their capitulation to Bush’s steamroll of misinformation. Mea culpas much more profound than Limerick’s
    and indicative of “ruling class” attitudes, not of marginalized
    “extreme left” attitudes.

  12. For Enforcement says:

    Ken, so you don’t have to look it up, here is part of your argument about Bush lying:

    “Without question, we need to disarm Saddam Hussein. He is a brutal, murderous dictator, leading an oppressive regime … He presents a particularly grievous threat because he is so consistently prone to miscalculation … And now he is miscalculating America’s response to his continued deceit and his consistent grasp for weapons of mass destruction … So the threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction is real…”
    – Sen. John F. Kerry (D, MA), Jan. 23. 2003 | Source

    “I will be voting to give the President of the United States the authority to use force — if necessary — to disarm Saddam Hussein because I believe that a deadly arsenal of weapons of mass destruction in his hands is a real and grave threat to our security.”
    – Sen. John F. Kerry (D, MA), Oct. 9, 2002 | Source

    These are the first 2 paragraphs from that link above.

  13. For Enforcement says:

    Limerick, we’ll say 3 hail marys for your wife for making you apologize.

    Ken uses some special kind of powerful KoolAid. But he’s no comedian even tho he tries to be.

  14. For Enforcement says:

    They are demanding political equality in our universities. They are demanding that professors like Ward Churchill be given the boot.

    And their are 2 reasons this is happening. Fox News Channel and Conservative bloggers on the internet. Now the MSM doesn’t have thieir monopoly any longer and other voices (the voices of truth and reason) can be heard.

  15. ordi says:


    First, just because YOU do not agree with what someone says DOES NOT mean they are lying!

    Second, the media followed Bush’s lead because it was UNCHANGED and the SAME as what CLINTON had said while he was in office! The MSM ONLY issued their Mea culpas because they DID NOT want any blame in this countries so called march to war. They figured if they apologized they could then put ALL the blame on Bush. Of course an intelligent person realizes that is poppycock and bullfeathers. Like Bush 41 and Clinton, the MSM are partly to blame as they are part of the LONG history of the USA with Saddam.

  16. For Enforcement says:


    You didn’t really say this did you?
    “As far as the behavior of the MSM pre-war, many organs issued
    mea culpas for their capitulation to Bush’s steamroll of misinformation.”

    Well….. actually you did….. but: you don’t believe it, do you?

    Let me get this straight. Bush, whom you think is so dumb he can’t tie his shoelaces. That Bush, fooled the press, planned the destruction of the World Trade Center.

    So you’re either gonna have to concede that he didn’t do all those things, or he’s not as dumb as you think.

    But then, I don’t really expect you to even recognize the difference because I’m sure you’ve been hitting the Kool Aid this morning.

    But he didn’t fool you.
    Give Jacque our regards.

  17. Ken says:

    Kerry of course, no hero of mine, did NOT have access to the
    same array of intelligence the Bush regieme had, no matter how
    many times Hannity,Limbaugh and Bushophiliacs on this site
    say it.

  18. ordi says:


    The KooAid Ken drinks is Lefty Lemon! LOL


  19. Ken says:

    For Enforcement has already proven he lost many of the reading skills he once undoubtedly had-so he unsurprisingly believes I accused Bush and/or members of his regime of “planning” rather than having foreknowledge of the attacks and of having been compromised by foreign elements , which the Raimondo piece clearly delineates.