Sep 25 2006

Kerry “The Surrenderer”

Published by at 7:17 am under All General Discussions,Bin Laden/GWOT

John Kerry is such a pathetic wuss, even when he is in the protection of his limousine life. The guy is the biggest handwringer of them all. One would have to think he shudders at the idea of having to tackle the remote control for the cable box he is so easily initimidated. His Chicken Little cries of pending doom reach back to the 70’s. Who knew New England was so fool of pessimists and doomsayers to keep electing someone like Kerry? Here he is today, fresh off his last screed claiming Iraq a disaster, delcaring Afghanistan a losing cause. Kerry as commander in chief was epitomized on 9-11 when he huddled for hours with others from congress and he wondered what to do. I can see him know, huddled in the oval office asking for someone to help him with his depression as the world’s problems come crashing in on him. But what gets me is this line (right up in the lede):

We cannot allow Afghanistan to become a terrorist stronghold and a staging ground for attacks on America.

But we can run from Iraq (with its oil reserves, highly educated populace and WMD know-how) and let that country succumb? What a dufus.

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