Sep 21 2006

Bad Actors On The Left

Published by at 7:16 am under 2006 Elections,All General Discussions

There are two ways to interpret the title of this post. One is to think of that fat clown Hugp “look at me” Chavez and see the epitome of lefty anger at being marginalized by a great President, George W Bush. Chavez speech at the UN was pathetic on multiple levels. First off, it sounded like and Howard Dean and Hollywood and Joe Wilson and Nancy Pelosi and John Conyers….

Word to the lefties: when you sound just like Hugo Chavez you are not going to get respect, have credibility or win elections. The second pathetic thing about Hugo Chavez’s speech is CNN and other ancient, deluded media took the clown seriously and gave him air time. It was worthwhile to expose what an idiot this guy is and how he wants to be the next Castro (or something), but it also exposed the liberal media’s clear desparation that their efforts to find negatives on Bush have becoming grasping. If you are airing the ranting Chavez in order to imply Bush as angered the world over his policies, your not understanding we Americans will take the opinion of John Howard (Australia), Tony Blair (UK), Stephen Harper Paul Martin (Canada), Silvio Berlusconi (Italy), Junichiro Koizumi (Japan) and many others over Chavez, Castro and Ahmedinejad. We put up with Chirac. So the airing as Chavez as a serious voice was something we found seriously funny.

But there are other ways to interpret the title of this post, and that is to think of Sean Penn, .. but who cares about that kind of bad actor!

The final way to interpret this post is to think of the “Emporer’s New Robes” and how the Democrat pols simple attempt to make faux motions at connecting with America. Their silly attempts to couch their rejected views in acceptable terms so they do not have to finally admit their views are not politically viable anymore. It is insulting to our intelligence when lefties bash Bush for all his efforts to protect this country from attack. I will not go down that long list again, those who understand that attacking Bush and not telling us how to protect America is trluy losing focus this election cycle do not need another primer – and the left doesn’t get it. But this opinion piece I found addresses another, more fundamental insult to America by a PR driven Democrat Party:

According to DNC Chairman Dean and all DNC leaders, they must talk religion to win elections, like it or not. They have come away from the string of political defeats with the new belief that Americans won’t elect people who don’t talk about religion. This has become a typical strategic blunder for the modern Democratic Party. They never read voter dissent as opposition to their political positions. They again misinterpret their disconnect with American voters as only a language gap, rather than the cataclysmic divide between today’s socialist anti-religion Democrats and average Americans who still very much believe in both God and America.

I read this and said to myself, I have an example of that too! I bet everyone does. It may not be on religion, but everyone can point to numerous times the Democrat’s have said their strategy is to pretend “X” openly, when we all know they are kidding themselves and us. The left wants to hold victory parades in America for the troops they pull out in what would be the worst, most useless surrender on the brink of victory in the history of mankind! They say they respect the troops, but not the mission the troops themselves respect and have died to make succeed. They want to defend us from terrorists but continuously work for legislation to defend terrorists in courts and from eavesdropping by our intelligence community, from watching their financial transactions and from using the same market data mining tools commercial retailers use to determine our buying habits to trace terrorists’ cells. The two faced left is coming into clear focus this year. Wherther they are kidding themselves or trying to kid us, all I can is they are no succeeding.

16 responses so far

16 Responses to “Bad Actors On The Left”

  1. HaroldHutchison says:

    It’s a great post. But did the HTML go screwy?

    Seriously, when Chavez is citing Chomsky, one hopes Chomsky will re-evaluate. I got a buck that says Comshky uses that for a blurb.

  2. patrick neid says:

    he could get elected to congress if he moves here, to the SF Bay area.

    i kid you not………..

  3. AJStrata says:

    Thanks Harold – as usual!

  4. lurker9876 says:

    “According to DNC Chairman Dean and all DNC leaders, they must talk religion to win elections, like it or not. They have come away from the string of political defeats with the new belief that Americans won’t elect people who don’t talk about religion. This has become a typical strategic blunder for the modern Democratic Party. ”

    I can imagine the DNC Chairman Dean and all DNC leaders saying the exact same prayers as the prayer Ahmanijihad closed in his speech along with “Allahu Akhbar”! Especially when they lack the Christianity principles and the understanding that terrorism and Islamofascism are increasingly becoming problems to the entire world.

    It is because of their lack of principles or NOT consistently standing by those principles of Christianity, in spite of their words and actions, that they will lose. Especially in light of many comments made by the DemocratUnderground and KOSkids….widely cheering for Chavez AND the liberal MSM giving Chavez air time.

    The November elections will certainly be telling.

    P.S. For those in district 22 of Texas, be sure to vote TWICE for Shelly Sekula-Gibbs.

  5. Retired Spook says:

    be sure to vote TWICE for Shelly Sekula-Gibbs.

    Not gonna cut it, Lurker. On page 29 of the Democrat Party playbook (under the heading “Voting”) it says:

    Vote early, and vote often. And don’t forget to register any deceased relatives in your precinct

  6. tshanks says:

    Just to clarify: Paul Martin (not “Marting”) is no longer the Prime Minister of Canada and never was a solid supporter of the US by any stretch of the imagination. Conservative Prime Minister Stephen Harper on the other hand is a staunch supporter of the US and the GWOT.

  7. Terrye says:

    I heard that Rangle jumped all over Chavez. Shocking.

  8. The Macker says:

    “what would be the worst, most useless surrender on the brink of victory ….” –

    ” Democrat pols simple attempt to make faux motions at connecting with America.”-

    AJ, You packed a lot of thought into this post. Good job!

  9. Ken says:

    You might prefer the opinions of Tony Blair but UK’s citizens have had it with him for two years. And Bush dissed him on getting something for the Palestinians.

  10. AJStrata says:


    Thanks – I meant Harper obviously!

  11. For Enforcement says:

    Ken, some people think Freedom’s Free. Ring a bell?

  12. MerlinOS2 says:


    Some have pointed out today that if you take the whole Rangle response it was less than an endorsing response.

    I’ve heard this guy give stronger resonses to cloture votes. Color me not imressed.

  13. MerlinOS2 says:

    That should have been impressed but it 3am , not an copout but a reason. GRRRRRR

  14. Barbara says:


    Thanks for the tip about wallmart. I have never understood what the dems have against Wallmart. Are they against free enterprise? I don’t think any law has been enacted that any company has to hire full time employees instead of partime. And I did not know there is a law that a company must provide health insurance for their employees. The whole country will really appreciate the dems forcing Wallmart of raise their prices in order to pay for all the things the dems want. Just like they appreciate forcing Microsoft to eliminate freebies from Windows.

  15. For Enforcement says:

    Barbara. Are the dems against free enterprise? the democrats are against America and everything it stands for. there is no point in trying to break it down to the elements, if it is American, they hate it.