Jul 01 2006

NY Times Feeling The Heat

Bill Keller of the NY Times and Deab Baquett of the LA Times must be feeling some heat over their crippling of our national defenses against terrorism. They have writtent a defense of their paranoid delusions in the NY Times today.

As I believe Andrew McCarthy pointed out early on, the US military capability is all but nullified in dealing with the terrorist threat. When there are national safe havens as Afghanistan and the Taliban, we can use our military might to force action or take action. But in all other cases, where terrorists hide out in allied nations (such as Germany for 9-11) we cannot use our sophisticated and powerful weapons on Hamburg in retaliation. We cannot even use thems on Saudi Arabia, where most of these whack jobs came from because the Saudi’s are under threat as well.

All we have is our intelligence capabilities. If we are to detect the next 20-30 terrorists within a population of 300 million we need to detect their tell tale trails. To date we have monitored the known terrorists leaders overseas hoping they would contact their agents in the field, some of which are here. That is we did that until the NY Times blew the cover on the story because of their paranoid conspiracy theories about the Bush administration. They have no proof of these theories, just the rantings of the leftward fever swamps and a self centered need to be relevant again. We could also detect activity based on the flow of money. Right now every deposit over $10,000 is reported to the government because we felt fighting illegal drugs and organized crime was important enough to give up some privacy. We worked with our European partners to expand our view of the flow of money world wide so that maybe we could detect where money popping up here might have come from. We can see it here under decades old laws. Well, at least we did until the NY Times crippled that method of detecting attack.

Unfortunately, those kinds of indicators are the best solution to our defence challenges. Communications and money transfers are the core of a coordinated terrorist action. No 9-11 sized attack can proceed without them. But now the NY Times has given the terrorists what they need to know to get around this challenge, and are calling for us to stop doing these defensive actions all together. In all cases the programs Bush has embarked on are targetted around known terrorists to see who they are in contact with and where their money is going. Bill Keller’s fantasy nightmares have yet to produce a single example of rampant searching through American’s lives without any terrorist link. So his excuses are lame and now just an attempt to save himself from his own idiotic decisions. He started to fantasize about conspiracies hidden behind efforts to stop attacks, no one else. And he still does:

Make no mistake, journalists have a large and personal stake in the country’s security. We live and work in cities that have been tragically marked as terrorist targets. Reporters and photographers from both our papers braved the collapsing towers to convey the horror to the world.

Yeah, but you two who are so scared of Bush you would do expose us to future attack never did anything like that. If you had maybe you would understand the depth of your mistakes.

But the virulent hatred espoused by terrorists, judging by their literature, is directed not just against our people and our buildings. It is also aimed at our values, at our freedoms and at our faith in the self-government of an informed electorate. If the freedom of the press makes some Americans uneasy, it is anathema to the ideologists of terror.

The Don Quixote-martyr complex is just pathetic. The vision of a free and responsible press as envisioned for decades sadly doesn’t include the LA Times and NY Times of today. They are exmaples of what that image is not. They are trying to wrap themselves in the good work of others as they destroy the image of journalism those others built up for 200+ years in this country. No one sees a free press as an extension of some fools paranoid delusions and partisan frustrations. You want to see why people like this are labled elist, this is the classic example. They are up on their thrown explaining why they are better than normal human beings.

As that sliver of judicial history reminds us, the conflict between the government’s passion for secrecy and the press’s drive to reveal is not of recent origin. This did not begin with the Bush administration, although the polarization of the electorate and the daunting challenge of terrorism have made the tension between press and government as clamorous as at any time since Justice Black wrote.

No, the ‘tension’ is those paranoid visions the leftward fringes have about Bush out to get them (why else could they be such falures?). Face it Keller, you were envisioning the downfall and impeachment of Bush, so you never once considered the true ramifications of your acts. You did not care that you had no evidence of wrong doing and only evidence of right doing (you know, protecting America). And let’s all recall that the press is motivated by PROFITS and BONUSES. Bush and company get paid the same for failure or success. In fact success goes unnoticed and failure is a reputation killer. But not the media. They make money off of failures. So if there are none, maybe some think it is OK to make some up. It sells papers.

As Robert G. Kaiser, associate editor of The Washington Post, asked recently in the pages of that newspaper: “You may have been shocked by these revelations, or not at all disturbed by them, but would you have preferred not to know them at all? If a war is being waged in America’s name, shouldn’t Americans understand how it is being waged?”

Not if it cripples our defenses! Not if it helps the enemy break through and kill people! Not if the story is half fabrication concerning some people’s unfounded paranoid fears! This egotism is the essence of the far left’s delusions. All these people think they are the only ones who understand what is happening! It’s that elitist thing again. They think the rest of us are dupes. Well Bill Keller, as far as I can tell your IQ is not all that high. Because only a dunce would claim all his paranoid nightmares are sufficient rationale to expose people to more death and injury. When the next attack goes unnoticed because the terrorists adjusted their communications and financing to avoid detection, we will know whose fault it was. And it will not be a Clinton or a Bush – it will be a Times.

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