Apr 23 2012

Where’s AJStrata?

Published by at 11:53 am under 2012 Elections,All General Discussions


So, where’s AJStrata been?  Really busy is the short answer. Our little company has been growing since we are on a major program in need of our skill set, so my priorities have been outside politics and on real life.

But in addition, the political landscape is barren and boring. Every day we see another example of government corruption (see here for the woman stealing money to fund her horse farm). From the Vegas bash by a manager  at GSA (and GSA Pacific Island hopping) to the Secret Service debacle with hookers, Americans are well aware the cancer in this country is government run amok.

So when we face an election where we have to choose between to variants of intrusive and wasteful government, the nation goes back to work and life – awaiting their time to chime in.

I seriously doubt Obama will be re-elected. The only way it will happen is if We The People decide gridlock and 4 years of investigation and discussion by Congress on the role of government is the right answer at this point in time. It may be the right answer.  We should be scrubbing the government for corruption, ineptitude and waste. That will take years to review and kill as necessary.

And let Obama be the who has to defend the liberal madness. It should be hilarious.

Update: Anyway, to finish the thought since I had to go to lunch – following the bland political debate that is now occurring I have to admit to a lack of anything of interest to post. It’s so, ugly and going nowhere.

Rinse and repeat

35 responses so far

35 Responses to “Where’s AJStrata?”

  1. jan says:


    I seriously doubt Obama will be re-elected.

    I love the tone of that sentence!

    In the meantime, I’m glad your time is being spent growing your business, and spending your energy more on personal ventures.

  2. Layman says:

    AJ: Go go go! Make money! Be a capitalist! Become a one-percenter (or a 0.5 percenter)! Create jobs! Hire people! Show what it is that makes this country great!

    And paint a target on your back so the libs can come gunning for you.

    (that was a metaphor)

  3. lurker9876 says:

    I see that you took notice of the lady and her horse farm. That’s unreal and hard to believe that she’s gotten away with it for so long.

    Makes you wonder how many more are getting away with it.

    If Obama gets reelected, not even a Congressional gridlock would stop Obama as he will exercise more and more of his executive powers to bypass Congress.

    We are seeing more signs and indicators that Obama’s odds of reelection are diminishing. By the same token, the economic signs do not look good. And the economy will not get much better over the summer.

    Now we see the fight over Medicare Advantage. Obama just told GAO to f*ck off. They’re only going to do it for one year???? Are the seniors going to be smart enough or they think the government will keep renewing it year after year????

    Right now, there is absolutely nothing that the Congressional GOP can do to stop Obama because of Harry Reid.

    So if Harry loses the Senate to the Republicans, he will become a minority leader. And lordy, God help us with his filibustering power. Mitch will probably become the majority leader.

    John Boehner indicated that Reid isn’t the problem. Obama is the problem. I’m not so sure about that.

  4. Redteam says:

    And to top all that off, Mitt is posing with Rubio breeding speculation that he is considering a non natural born citizen (same as Obama) for VP. I’m just not voting for non-eligible people for Pres or VP. And I’m not trying to start a discussion on it, he’s just not eligible because he’s native born, Constitution requires natural born and he ain’t it. So no one needs to try to argue that he is eligible.

    Anyhow, I hope what you’re working on becomes wildly successful.
    so it’ll help keep Social Security funded for a while.

  5. jan says:


    I wouldn’t fret just yet about Rubio campaigning with Romney. Rubio is certainly on a short list for VP. But, what I see as happening here, are campaign trail dress rehersals going on. Romney will probably take various people out with him, like a VP test drive, to see how well they perform in public events with him, as well as to measure the chemistry between him and them. Who knows, maybe next week it will be Paul Ryan!

  6. ivehadit says:

    AJ, this worries me greatly…who’s in the White House :

    Shift on executive power lets Obama bypass rivals

    full article here:http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/47138446/ns/politics-the_new_york_times/#.T5WyvtUeLE1

  7. kathie says:

    I can not listen to Obama. Mitt is our guy, and really I don’t want to hear all the bad things that he has done in good old Massachusetts. It does not matter, we have to get rid of Obama if we care about this country, and that is all that matters.

  8. jan says:


    I concur wholeheartedly!

    It’s even difficult to consider another 4 years of obama, should he win.

  9. jan says:

    This is not a bad strategy….

    Romney to trump Obama’s liability factor with competence

    if Romney can pull it off!

  10. ivehadit says:

    Yes, to J and K and…if AJ thinks that it doesn’t matter if obama is in the White House he is sorely mistaken, in my humble opinion. obama has done tremendous damage already…all on his own, imho.

  11. jan says:

    I think this might be one of Victor Davis Hanson’s best pieces to date. He writes a no-holds-barred recital of the Obama-leftist-MSM’s joint venture in hypocrisy. It’s amazing to follow Hanson’s reflective ramble, as he rummages around these past 4 years, adroitly comparing and contrasting them to other republican administrations, as the real goals of the left are finessed: It was the power, stupid!

    ivehadit, yes, I think there has definitely been an erosion of almost everything under Obama’s rule.

  12. DJStrata says:


    You are mistaken. Rubio is a natural born citizen by being born on US soil.

    “In most situations, any child that is born in the United States or one of its territories will automatically receive American citizenship. However, children born to diplomats and other recognized government officials from foreign countries will not receive U.S. citizenship if born on American soil. You can learn more about this by looking through Title 8 of the U.S. Code.

    If you were born in the U.S., your U.S. citizenship will last your entire life unless you make an affirmative action to give it up, like filing an oath.”


  13. Layman says:


    Where do you get your definition of “natural born “Citizen.”

    Here in the southwest we’ve had lots of arguments about the children of illegal aliens born here in the US, i.e. anchor babies. The legal argument against giving them citizenship falls under the 14th ammendment. If thier parents were not US citizens and if they were not “subject to the jurisdiction of the United States” then they cannot be citizens.

    I hope you’ll at least agree that Marco Rubio, Nikki Haley, Bobby Jindal, et al were in fact born in the US. The only other question is if their parents, foreign citizens at the time of their birth, were subject to the jurisdiction of the United States. In all cases their parents were here LEGALLY. They had subjected themselves to the laws and jurisdiction of the United States. By definition their children are naturally born citizens. Tell me where you I’m going wrong.

  14. Layman says:

    The actual language if you don’t keep your Constitution handy. 🙂

    US Constitution:

    Article II, Section 1, Paragraph 5: ?No person except a natural born Citizen?shall be eligible to the office of President:?? I skipped the part about people who were not born in the US but were citizens at the time the constitution was adopted.

    Amendment XIV, Section 1, Paragraph 1: ?All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.?

  15. Layman says:

    ? = ” I guess Word Press doesn’t like cut & paste.

  16. kathie says:

    AJ cares who the President is….but he is sick and board with the quality of those who are in politics at the moment. They are so busy dodging issues so they can tell lies it’s a totally pathetic commentary on the state of our nation. He’s too busy to waste his time. History will look back at a people who would elect Obama and think what happened….were they all stoned? We have one more election before someone serious will run for office, and reset this country. God help us all.

    VDH’s best read EVER Jan, I concur.

  17. Redteam says:

    jan, you’re right, I think Romney is having his ‘try-outs’ now and will decide based on how he thinks they perform. I hope Ryan does a good job and makes the grade. For all those that are trying to find a reason to not support Romney, let me give you a strong reason to; Barack Obama. He has done as much or more to destroy this country and what it stands for as is humanly possible in the time he’s been in office. And he’s getting more proficient at it. 4 more years will almost certainly do us in.

    Natural born citizen, a person born in the country to 2 parents who are citizens.
    Several of you missed the boat, being a citizen of the country and of the state have nothing to do with being a natural born citizen. being born in the US only makes one a citizen, being born of citizen parents make them natural born.

    Wishing he is natural born won’t do it.
    Saying he’s natural born, wont do it.
    proclaiming loudly that he’s natural born, won’t do it
    Arguing about whether someone is natural born, won’t do it.

    He missed his chance to be natural born when his parents didn’t get naturalized ‘BEFORE’ he was born.

    Layman “All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside” I suppose this quote is supposed to indicate to someone that being described as a citizen makes them a ‘natural born’ citizen. You will see that he said ‘born or naturalized’ are citizens, but NOT ‘natural born’ if they were, it would say so and we all know that a naturalized person and one born here are clearly not in the same ‘category’ except that they are both citizens.

  18. Redteam says:

    Layman “The only other question is if their parents, foreign citizens at the time of their birth, were subject to the jurisdiction of the United States. In all cases their parents were here LEGALLY. They had subjected themselves to the laws and jurisdiction of the United States.”

    So the question is; let’s concede (not necessarily true, but) that their parents were here legally and had subjected themselves to the laws and jurisdiction of the United States. Then that makes them a native born US citizen, but NOT a natural born one.

    Now as to the concession that their parents were here legally and had subjected themselves to the laws and jurisdiction of the United States.
    What does that mean. Are parents that came to the US 5 years before Castro and stayed without applying or getting a ‘green card’ or any of the things a person does to be here ‘legally’, then are they here legally? I don’t know how anyone makes the case that either Jindal’s parents or Rubio’s parents were here ‘legally’. Just because they later became citizens doesn’t mean they came here legally. Then you get into the sticky question of ‘were they subject to the jurisdiction’ of the United States? Well, were they? How do you know? One could easily argue that anyone within the country is ‘subject to the laws and jurisdiction’ but that wouldn’t be true. Obama’s uncle is a good example. If he were truly subject to our laws, he would have been deported many years ago.

  19. Layman says:

    RT: I asked you for your source! Where do you get your definition of a “natural born citizen”. I have re-read and not found the definition in the Constitution. Maybe I missed it. but if you can not show me where it is defined then I say my interpretation, based on the language of the Constitution is correct.

    Please answer the question.