Mar 26 2012

As Details Come Out, George Zimmerman’s Claims Crumble

Published by at 12:10 pm under All General Discussions,Trayvon Martin Case

Update: As the  Zimmerman’s camp calls for patience, one wonders where Zimmerman’s patience was on the night he cornered (and probably threatened if not enraged) Trayvon?

Update: Read this as well, because it lays out the reasoning that shows Trayvon was the victim, Zimmerman the obsessed vigilante. It means Zimmerman is the likely culprit:

If you have been advised to not approach the subject, but you do, you then become an aggressive participant in an unknown matter. Your level of training may not be vast enough to prepare you for unknown events. You certainly are not in a situation that requires immediate action. You are in a safe position to watch and wait for assistance. Unless you are trying to stop great bodily harm to yourself or others, you have time and distance to choose differently.

Now we have a person who saw a kid he thought was suspicious – for what? Do we know? He decides (after being advised not to) to approach a person in the dark out of sight that he said was suspicious. And do what?

Did he say something to the person that was threatening or fearful —  so intimidating that it would frighten you and make you fear for your life in an isolated dark area where no one else could see you? Was that person so aggressive that it scared you to a mode of defense?

With so many robberies, murders, abductions going on today, may be the kid felt for his life, maybe he thought this guy was trying to do him bodily harm. Maybe he was right. But we won’t know, because he has no voice. He is dead, and everyone knows dead men tell no tales.

Since when does the aggressor get to call it self-defense when the so-called perpetrator is moving away from them and not to them?

Exactly. Why go after the ‘suspicious’ person with a loaded gun? – end update

You’re a 17 year old kid visiting with your Dad’s fiance’. You went to the nearby 7-Eleven to get some candy and  drink at night. On the way back some yahoo in a pick up truck starts shadowing you. You’re in a strange town and some guy finally stops his truck and follows you on foot. You duck away, but you don’t know your way around. You just need to get home.

But you are also a 17 year football player, used to physical encounters. And as most 17 year olds, you are dangerously fearless. Worse yet, you are talking to you girlfriend on the phone and now is not the time to be timid.

This is a recipe for disaster.

Now switch shoes. You are an egotistical 28 year old playing sheriff. You see someone in your neighborhood and you jump to conclusions based purely on stereotypes. You stalk a 17 year old kid at night, first by car and then on foot. You are king of this little pond, and you are armed. You too are fearless in a dangerous way.

So who is the victim here? Who is being ‘hunted’? Not the kid with the candy and soda – he is talking to his girlfriend with no intention of an altercation. He is not pushing for confrontation, he is not looking to show his manhood.

George Zimmerman escalated his eventual confrontation with Trayvon Martin. And now we know he failed his last chance to avoid trouble. Zimmerman was not attacked from behind – by his own admission:

Zimmerman was on his way to the grocery store when he spotted Trayvon walking through his gated community.

Trayvon was visiting his father’s fiancée, who lived there.  …

Zimmerman called police and reported a suspicious person, describing Trayvon as black, acting strangely and perhaps on drugs.

Notice how Zimmerman, from a distance, had already tried and judged Trayvon. How strange was Trayvon walking, drinking his soda and talking on his cell phone?  Good lord, what is Zimmerman’s definition of ‘acting strangely’? One thing we do know, Zimmerman was an obsessive vigilante type who loved to play sheriff.

Anyway, back to Zimmerman’s crumbling excuses:

Zimmerman got out of his SUV to follow Trayvon on foot. When a dispatch employee asked Zimmerman if he was following the 17-year-old, Zimmerman said yes. The dispatcher told Zimmerman he did not need to do that.

There is about a one-minute gap during which police say they’re not sure what happened.

Zimmerman told them he lost sight of Trayvon and was walking back to his SUV when Trayvon approached him from the left rear, and they exchanged words.

Trayvon asked Zimmerman if he had a problem. Zimmerman said no and reached for his cell phone, he told police.

Ahh. They exchanged words. Words like “I am visiting in the neighborhood” or “Just went to the 7-Eleven”. Or how about words from Zimmerman accusing Trayvon while being derogatory? You think Zimmerman simply said ‘no’?  When he finally gets to be the big bad sheriff in town?

Zimmerman’s last chance to back off.  He could have said “was just checking” or “OK kid, just get home safe”.

If Trayvon hauled off and hit Zimmerman in the nose, it was because Zimmerman was being a jerk. And I hate to tell this to Zimmerman, but if you cause a fight with words you cannot later claim self defense.

Since words were exchanged there was no attack. Zimmerman was the one pushing for the confrontation. To the point he left is truck on foot with a loaded gun. Trayvon, loaded with Skittles, never stood a chance.

You want to know why Zimmerman is all teary and upset. He is just now coming to grips with what he did, and how instead of being a sheriff he is just a child killer. He knows he could have avoided all this many times over. And it is about time he did what is right and truly courageous – and admit it.

81 responses so far

81 Responses to “As Details Come Out, George Zimmerman’s Claims Crumble”

  1. Layman says:


    In the post just above AJ states that Zimmerman was harrassing, “a kid literally steps from where he was staying.” Every article I’ve read about this tragedy says Martin was returning to a relatives’ house where he had been staying. If that is wrong then we need to go back to square one and your thoughts on the matter begin to make sense.

    To quote you, “first, What was Martin doing in the gated community. He didn’t live anywhere near there. No relative of his lived there. Why was he there? ”

    So as you are fond of saying, please provide us with a source. Where did you get the that indicates Martin had no business being there? If as you say is true then that raises a lot of questions. But if it isn’t, AJs take is absolutely correct.

  2. Layman says:

    Bad typing, but I think you get the drift! 🙂

  3. oneal lane says:

    Yes, Zimmerman is part Jewish! So now the media needs to refer to him as the “White Jew Latino” so they can demonstrate how colorblind they are. Frauds!

  4. Redteam says:

    Layman, some points I’ve found, I don’t know the answer to most or any of them. These quotes come from various places on the internet.”

    “It was made clear from the very beginning that Trayvon Martin’s father lived in the gated community with his girlfriend”
    Who actually lived there? Martin’s father or his girlfriend? was Martin’s father only visiting?

    “The gated community of The Retreat at Twin Lakes in Sanford, Florida, is where Trayvon Martin was shot”
    This is a secure community with a watch gate and high fence all around which normally requires clearance by a guard to enter. Did Trayvon get permission from the guard to enter. Is this entry recorded on the gate log?

    I have read that Martin lived no where near this community. A satellite map shows no ‘convenience’ store anywhere near this community. Where is anyone’s proof that Martin had gone to a convenience store?

    I, personally, have seen no evidence of unusual activity by Zimmerman, the Secretary of the home owners association said he had reported many people on 911 in the past and prevented several incidents as a result.

    Did Zimmerman live within the gated community?

    I can’t find definitive answers to any of these questions and I have searched intensely on the internet.
    I have, however, seen a lot of people that have their own ideas or conjecture on what was going on, but I suspect that if much of it were submitted to a jury, there would likely be a lot of reasonable doubt. It is interesting that the State’s attorney in Florida didn’t see a case and didn’t arrest.

    I hope justice prevails. There are many calling for a lynching, but we need cool minds to prevail.

  5. Redteam says:

    Layman, sorry I didn’t specifically answer your question, so here goes.

    “first, What was Martin doing in the gated community. He didn’t live anywhere near there. No relative of his lived there. Why was he there? ”

    So as you are fond of saying, please provide us with a source.”

    I have been reading about this case for quite a while and at one time read that Martin had been suspended from school and that is why he was in this community, some distance from where he lived, on a school night. I have since, searched diligently and can’t find any reference at all to where ANY of the parties of the case live.
    Don’t know where Trayvon lived or who he lived with.
    Don’t know where Trayvon’s mother lives
    Don’t know where Trayvon’s father lives
    Don’t know who lived in gated community that Trayvon was supposedly visiting.
    Don’t know where Zimmerman lives.
    Don’t know if Trayvon even knew any person that lived in the community.

    That’s the problem with the whole case, most of what you read is pure speculation. If you or anyone reading this KNOWS ABSOLUTELY the answer to any of those questions, tell us the answer but don’t tell us without a source.

    Too bad I didn’t have a CCP so my ‘special insight’ would have prevented me from that error. (damn seals on those Cracker Jacks boxes)..

  6. Layman says:


    “I hope justice prevails. There are many calling for a lynching, but we need cool minds to prevail.”

    I totally agree! And while we all detest the way the professional race baiters are trying to crucify Zimmerman, that doesn’t automatically get him off the hook if he did anything wrong (in the legal sense).

  7. Redteam says:

    The ABC video is interesting in that about 26 seconds of the 30 second the ABC logo is completely obscuring Zimmerman’s head. They could have chose many other locations to put that logo, but for some reason, known only to them, they chose to hide Zimmerman’s head.

  8. Layman says:

    Gotta love the MSM! “Video shows no trace of blood on Zimmerman’s face!”

    (After he was treated at the scene by the paramedics)

  9. momdear1 says:

    This “little 17 year old kid” was 6 ft. 3 in. tall for goodness sakes. If he didn’t have a sign on him that said, “I am a 17 yr. old kid” how was Zimmerman supposed to know he wasn’t an adult? I am a little tired of the Mau Mau taking to the streets to protest any action a white person has to take to protect himself from being attacked by a member of our new privileged class. Facts. Everyone agrees that Zimmerman had returned to his truck when this “kid” approached him and struck the first blow which broke Zimmerman’s nose. Then the eye witness said that this “kid” had Zimmerman on the ground, was on top of him and was doing his best to bash Zimmerman’s brains out on the ground or sidewalk, all the while Zimmerman was yelling for help. Who among you would have reacted like Rodney King and said, “Can’t we all just get along?” I’d like to know what the Mau Mau in the streets clammoring for Zimmerman’s head would be doing if Zimmerman had not shot his attacker and the “kid” had succeeded in bashing Zimmerman’s brains out and killing him? They would be protesting his innocence and claiming discrimination all the way to death row.

  10. ivehadit says:

    People, people, people…Mom has it right. And frankly, why did this take a month to get out? Could it be it took that long for the P.R. firms to get it together? And believe you me, they are in overdrive this year, lol!

    The Flukey flu is going to visit upon this situation…just as it did the advertisers who (cowardly) reniged on Rush. Beware the backlash of the Flukey flu!!

  11. Redteam says:

    Ahhh, now careful analysis of the video shows a laceration of several inches on the back of Zimmerman’s head.
    Oh well, I’m sure he did it to himself, surely Martin wouldn’t have done anything like that…. surely……

  12. Redteam says:

    Layman, seems as if more info is coming out:

    “ABC News has also learned that Martin was staying in Sanford at the time because he’d been suspended from Krop High School in Miami after school officials found him with a baggy that they suspected contained marijuana. He was staying at his father’s fiance’s house in Sanford.”

    So, I’d say Martin was a little ways away from where he lived and that he was staying at ‘someone known as his father’s fiance’s home”
    It doesn’t say if it is actually located in the gated community or not. (I’m now gonna speculate and say ‘it’s probably not’)

    Now I’d really like to see a map of where he was staying, where the convenience store was located and where the shooting occurred. Anyone have that info?

  13. Redteam says:

    Layman, seems as if more info is coming out:

    “ABC News has also learned that Martin was staying in Sanford at the time because he’d been suspended from Krop High School in Miami after school officials found him with a baggy that they suspected contained marijuana. He was staying at his father’s fiance’s house in Sanford.”

    So, I’d say Martin was a little ways away from where he lived and that he was staying at ‘someone known as his father’s fiance’s home”
    It doesn’t say if it is actually located in the gated community or not. (I’m now gonna speculate and say ‘it’s probably not’)

    Now I’d really like to see a map of where he was staying, where the convenience store was located and where the shooting occurred. Anyone have that info?

    I posted this with a link, but it is in moderation, so I deleted the link to see if it will clear.

  14. Redteam says:

    found some of that info, seems as if the nearest 7-eleven to the gated community is just a little over 1 mile away, so I’d say that’s a reasonable distance for a teen ager to walk.

    I wonder what happened to his cell phone. Police report did not mention it (what I’ve seen) but his ‘girl friend’ said he was talking on it when the incident occurred. It must be there somewhere.

  15. jan says:

    Unfortunately there is crime in the United States. Research, though, shows that crimes are usually committed more between racially similar people than those of opposite races. However, I have noticed that when tragedies do occur between members of the opposite race, it is more frequently reported and hyped when it is the African American who is victimized, rather than other races being the target of African American criminal acts.

    This observation seems to be applicable to the Martin/Zimmerman one too, as it is currently unfolding For example, on Drudge this morning, there is the following story about: Parents of murdered British student criticize Barak Obama

    “Mr Kouzaris has written to President Obama on three separate occasions and is yet to even receive the courtesy of a reply.

    “It would perhaps appear that Mr Obama sees no political value in facilitating such a request or that the lives of two British tourists are not worthy of ten minutes of his time.”

    The rebuke follows Mr Obama’s personal intervention into the shooting in Florida of a young black teenager by a white neighbourhood watch captain.

    The key to this excerpt is how there is no “political value” to the British men being killed, as there is to Trayvon Martin’s now exploited death.

    Obama’s presidency seems to be defined by political values rather than real values.

  16. oneal lane says:

    Actually, something has happened that is much more profound than the actual case. The Black Panthers have a “bounty” out on Zimmerman, and no law enforcement agency from State to Federal has voiced a single word of opposition or concern.

    Thus a private group of vigilantes, has a bounty of death on a private citizen of the United States and the Justice Department, FBI, State of Florida…….not one agency has spoken up!

    If anyone out there has heard otherwise please post here.

  17. Redteam says:

    Nope, I think they are all secretly hoping someone will kill Zimmerman then they can all declare that justice was served. I would’ve thought that a bounty, alive or dead, would be illegal. guess not. Sounds almost like an inducement to commit a felony. Laws are only written to be interpreted the way the correct people want them to be.

    So, if I understand it, based on all these comments on tv. if you get a bloody nose, it has to bleed until it is filmed on video a couple hours later, even after having been attended to by paramedics.

    If you get a laceration on the back of your head, it has to continue to bleed and have a bandage so that it can be filmed for proof. If you don’t do that, then that is proof that ‘there was no injury’.

    It has been clearly pointed out on the video that he actually does have a laceration, but because it is not dripping blood and he doesn’t have a bandage then he ‘could not have been injured’.

  18. Redteam says:

    So, it boils down to:
    Martin’s parents are not married to each other
    His mother lives in Miami
    His father lives with someone identified as his fiance
    His father’s fiance lives in the gated community where shooting occurred
    Martin was suspended from school in Miami and was in Sanford, Fl
    on Sunday evening (reportedly visiting with his father at his father’s fiance’s house.
    Zimmerman lives in the same community.
    Zimmerman was appointed as head of the neighborhood watch for his community by the home owners assn of that community.
    Zimmerman was legally carrying a permitted concealed weapon.
    Zimmerman was carrying out the duties of a neighborhood watch person (calling 911 when he saw a suspicious person)
    There is a 7-eleven store a little over a mile away.

    Now a little more clarification is needed. Martin was on a 10 day suspension, when was he scheduled to be back in school? Why do they leave out these little details? hiding something? what?

  19. Layman says:

    OK RT: What the hell does Martin being suspended from school have to do with him being shot? I suppose you’re of the old school, “she was dressed like a slut so she had it coming” mentality?
    (Yes, that was intended to be provacative)

    There are really only two questions that matter. 1) Was Zimmerman in complete compliance with the law prior to, and including the time, when he shot Martin? and 2) was Martin the aggressor or the victim at the time of shooting? All the other questions feed into those two.

    I know you want to paint Zimmerman as completely innocent, and he may well be, but I can just as easily paint a scenario that fits every fact you’ve layed out and makes Zimmerman guilty. Zimmerman was incensed that another one was going to get away with it again (to paraphrase his 911 call). He cornered Martin and threatened him. Martin jumped him in self defense and then was shot.

    I know you hate the way the MSM is portraying Zimmerman but somehow it appears unseemly that his supporters, in the name of “fairness”, are doing the same thing to Martin.

  20. Layman says:

    OK RT: What the hell does Martin being suspended from school have to do with him being shot? I suppose you’re of the old school, “she was dressed like a slut so she had it coming” mentality?
    (Yes, that was intended to be provacative)

    There are really only two questions that matter. 1) Was Zimmerman in complete compliance with the law prior to, and including the time, when he shot Martin? and 2) was Martin the aggressor or the victim at the time of shooting? All the other questions feed into those two.

    I know you want to paint Zimmerman as completely innocent, and he may well be, but I can just as easily paint a scenario that fits every fact you’ve layed out and makes Zimmerman guilty. Zimmerman was incensed that another one was going to get away with it again (to paraphrase his 911 call). He cornered Martin and threatened him. Martin jumped him in self defense and then was shot.

    I know you hate the way the MSM is portraying Zimmerman but somehow it appears unseemly that his supporters, in the name of “fairness”, are doing the same thing to Martin.