May 06 2011

Obama White House Lies About Sit Room Photo

Published by at 7:29 am under All General Discussions

Folks, it does not take a rocket scientist to prove the White House lied when it put out this photo while claiming it was in the White House Situation Room during the Bin Laden take down (click to enlarge):

This is what the White House Situation Room looks like (click to enlarge):

Not only is the Commander-in-Chief sitting to the side as a mere spectator, hot off the golf course. But the idea the White House claimed this was the Situation Room, and NO news media outlet called them on this bold face lie, is a serious breach in the public trust.

How could anyone confuse these two settings?

Addendum: It looks like where the photo was taken is in the complex area of the situation room, in this tiny side conference room. How strange to find this historic moment being run out of a tiny conference room with POTUS sitting on the sideline.

BTW, this is not even the President’ briefing room – which one would assume would be choice number 2 over the Sit Room itself.

57 responses so far

57 Responses to “Obama White House Lies About Sit Room Photo”

  1. crosspatch says:

    Also I completely agree with the notion that in order to be taken alive, he would have had to have been practically naked, on his knees, and had his hands in the air. As he and his associates had vowed that he would never be taken alive, the assuming he might have a suicide vest on underneath any clothing or even something taped to his body, would seem to be a potentially life-saving assumption for any operator moving into the proximity of OBL.

    That he “retreated” into that room would be enough to take him out as there would be no way an operator would know what he had available in that room. It has been reported that there was an AK47 and a Russian pistol found in the room in close proximity to the body which US operators recovered. (I hope George W. Bush gets the pistol).

  2. MerlinOS2 says:

    Panetta was not in the picture since he was at the CIA running the show from there. That is likely who was on the screen that the people were watching along with other places responsible for the raid.

    Likely the only real ground intel they were seeing was the feed from the drone that was overhead at the time and that the raiding party was fully involved with their task and would only make key reports at milestones.

    Yes I still say that the only thing Obama could do here is call for an abort of the mission.

    I would not be a bit surprised that he had been told if you balk on this best and surest shot to take OBL down that all of a sudden a lot of anonymous sources would be putting the word out.

  3. AntiVenom says:

    Osama committed suicide…

    that is why Obama will not release the photos…any trained forensic scientist would be able to show that the bullet wound entry would have been consistent with a gun fired into the roof of the mouth.

    Osama would NEVER had gambled on being taken alive…

    He killed himself, and he took away Obama’s fake claim to glory…

    All the lies and versions would support that…it was said at first…Osama had a gun, he resisteted (which could mean he ran away to take his life away from his family). First accounts was one gunshot wound to the head over the left eye…


    Osama would have been a BIG decsision maker and NON waffler…by blowing his own head off with an “Allah Approved” bullet.

    We will learn…one day…that he died at his own hand…and THAT is the reason that Obama could NEVER show his “spike the football trophy photo”

  4. MerlinOS2 says:

    Angela Merkel hit with criminal complaint for being “glad” OBL is dead

    The world is officially nuts. I’m not sure how else you classify what follows. Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany recently remarked on the death of mass murderer Osama bin Laden saying was “glad” he’d been killed. That prompted the following from a German judge:

    But Hamburg judge Heinz Uthmann went even further. He alleges that the chancellor’s statement was nothing short of illegal, and filed a criminal complaint against Merkel midweek, the daily Hamburger Morgenpost reported Friday.

    “I am a law-abiding citizen and as a judge, sworn to justice and law,” the 54-year-old told the paper, adding that Merkel’s words were “tacky and undignified.”

    In his two-page document, Uthmann, a judge for 21 years, cites section 140 of the German Criminal Code, which forbids the “rewarding and approving” of crimes. In this case, Merkel endorsed a “homicide,” Uthmann claimed. The violation is punishable by up to three years’ imprisonment or a fine.

    “For the daughter of a Christian pastor, the comment is astonishing and at odds with the values of human dignity, charity and the rule of law,” Uthmann told the newspaper.

    Of course the judge is assuming it’s a “homicide” (certainly no proof exists that’s the case) and thus a criminal act. In fact, the Geneva Conventions will clearly show otherwise. Obviously he files his complaint with nothing more than his opinion as a basis.

  5. crosspatch says:

    One thing is very disturbing. We identified the compound in August. We had planned to hit it in March. That was overruled. Here it is May and we finally hit the place. We probably felt we had to go due to the Wikileaks information. Obama probably wanted to hold out as long as possible to get closer to the next election. The idea being that if he has been there for five years, he will probably be there for another year unless he gets spooked. The military probably figured the Wikileaks info might be enough to spook him into moving.

    We had been watching him for so long that we apparently had been able to establish a safe house in the neighborhood from which we could watch the house around the clock. That would take some time to establish.

    It seems to me that Obama, the political animal that he is, might have had considerable incentive to want to delay the raid as long as possible and use it to create a very nice “October surprise” next year.

  6. dhunter says:

    Nobel Peace prize winner in violation of US and International law.

    First in violation of US law in Lybia now in the killing of BinLaden and in International Law for both also?

    I’m glad Bin Laden is dead but our Presidents must obey the rule of law or laws are meaningless or worse just useful tools to exact revenge on those not favored.

    Black Opps should remain secret for this among other reasons.

  7. MerlinOS2 says:

    CP my take on all this is that those who wanted the raid to go forward were bucking the headwinds of BHO and Valerie Jarrett trying to stop it.

    I really think what went down here is that they brought him back to the White House as the thing was already launched and said we do it or you have to take the weight for aborting it.

    They likely presented him with the position either you do it or anonymous sources will leak that you took a pass and voted present.

    They also gave him the option of taking all the credit for the game in play and we see how well that has all worked out.

    All that got us was the we,me ,I ,I presser and everyone who could have possibly been considered part of the past events to connect these dots (see Bush and Clinton both having ‘schedule conflicts’ or desires to be low profile) not wanting to be part of his breaking his own arm patting himself on the back as he tried to composite it into some sort of victory lap.

    Now the UN is looking at breaking this all down to be a targeted assassination and what do you think the odds are BHO will do a blanket pardon for our heroes who carried the day.

    Remember to put that in context we have Seals right now waiting for court marshals who were only charged with giving a fat lip to the guy who burned and strung up some contractors (ex cia and friends of Michael Yon) from a bridge in Iraq. That is base mostly on a claim from the guy with the fat lip they did it so consider the source.

  8. MerlinOS2 says:

    Speaking of people waiting for trials right now we have a LT COl doctor out there who is in the wait for his court martial to start phase for declining to deploy to Afghanistan since he considered it a non valid order from a President who did not meet the Constitutional Requirements for running for the office.

    Now BHO just released the long form birth record that says what most have thought it would and you have to consider just what would have the Lt Col done if that document had been made available in a timely manner.

    So from my view he is collateral damage from the game BHO played ,supported and funded and he deserves a full and absolute pardon and an apology of the first order.

  9. crosspatch says:

    “They also gave him the option of taking all the credit for the game in play and we see how well that has all worked out.”

    I wondered why the White House wound use a phrase of “meticulously directed”. First of all, any President that “meticulously” directs a military operation is a fool. Why was that phrase put in there? It seems to me that they are over-reaching in trying to emphasize that the President wasn’t just a spectator in the whole thing.

  10. Redteam says:

    One thing for sure, the room you identified as the room where the meeting took place is NOT the same room. Look at the table. the table where they are all sitting has an inlaid or silver border about 1″ in from the side. The table in the room you identified does not have hat inlay. I’m not sure that makes much difference because your point was that the meeting was not in the ‘situation’ room and it clearly was not.
    I do agree with your overall conclusions and can hardly wait for the ‘truth’ to come out (tho I expect the MSM to be about as interested in that as they are in his fake birth certificate.)

  11. WWS says:

    Pakistan is now threatening dire consequences if we launch another raid like that inside it’s territory. Ignore how that looks like closing the barn door after the terrorist horse is gone, and just wonder what kind of “consequences” they are thinking about.

    Let’s see, would they harbor one of our top enemies and give him safe haven in a protected area for years? Would they take a lot of money from us and turn it over to the Taliban in order to fight us? Would they lie, cheat, steal, and backstab us at every opportunity?

    What would they do that they aren’t doing already?

  12. Snapple says:

    That little room is probably where government officials go to make sure that nobody can evesdrop on them.

  13. Snapple says:

    I am a Democrat now because I see how the Republicans are lying about climate change and persecuting scientists.

  14. Snapple says:

    Here is video about the Situation Room. It is really several rooms. One is called the “Surge Room.” They go in there with a lot of communications equipment when something is happening. It is manned by communications experts.

  15. ivehadit says:

    “I am a Democrat now because I see how the Republicans are lying about climate change and persecuting scientists.”

    Is this a transposition? Just askin’ cause it’s NOT the republicans who are fakin’ out the world, nor muzzling dissenters of global warming.

  16. crosspatch says:

    Uh, oh. Apparently there is a move afoot to create an Osama bin Laden “Graceland”.

    Now that nobody is living there, it might be a good time to bomb the place to smithereens.

  17. Snapple says:

    It is very ignorant to say the White House is lying about the situation room. You never even looked up what the facility is like. It is several rooms. Only one of them is the large room.

    I am a Democrat because I accept the science of climate change, not the Republican/Gazprom propaganda.

    The Kremlin propaganda channel Russia Today puts those Western denialists on TV. Putin’s adviser Andrei Illarionov is working at the Cato Institute. Illarionov used to work for Chernomyrdin, the head of the Soviet Gas Ministry and later Gazprom.

    The CIA even has a Center for Climate Change and National Security. It is headed by Larry Kobayashi.

    The Pentagon says climate change is happening. All the scientific organizations say it is happening.

    The Pontifical Academy of Sciences says climate change is happening.

    The Republians are on the take from the oil companies and even Cuccinelli is citing RIA Novosti (Russia’s official press agency) propaganda in his EPA suit that originated with Putin’s Illarionov and Gazprom operative Alisher Usmanov’s business daily Kommersant.

    Real Russian scientists have debunked Illarionov’s propaganda.

    Russia’s President Medvedev call global warming a “trick”; but since the fires, he says it is happening.

    The party line has changed, and Cuccinelli looks like a total moron.

  18. crosspatch says:

    The incompetence of this administration is simply astounding. They are behaving like small town operators on the world stage.

    It is embarrassing to watch.

  19. MerlinOS2 says:


    Chicago on the Potomac