Mar 13 2006

Real Al Qaeda Threat?

Published by at 10:50 am under All General Discussions,Bin Laden/GWOT

John over at Stop The ACLU alerted me to this supposed ‘final warning’ from a supposed western Al Qaeda member. It is always a tough call on these things to post or not to post. We do not need to seed a new Al Qaeda movement by giving it the press it wants, but at the same time we do not want to miss an obvious warning. So please review it and make your own decisions:

Purported “Al-Qaeda Undercover Soldier, U.S.A”: Last Warning to American People – Two Operations Will Occur; Your Homeland Security Agency Must Surrender; States Far Away From Washington, D.C. Such as Arizona Will Be Hit; We Await Orders From Our Commander Osama Bin Laden; America Will Be Brought to its Knees.

This warning does not strike me as a smart move by Al Qaeda which wants to strike another blow at America. Since we have not been attacked again since 9-11 I am confident many, many attempts have been thwarted over the years. I think it has become very difficult for Al Qaeda to hit us, but then we may have a real problem with complacency settling in as well. I would think Al Qaeda would not risk another operation by issuing a warning. But then again, they may be too egotistical for self control, or it may be a disinformation feint (i.e., look away from DC so we can hit DC).

Anyway, Michelle has listed a lot of voices debating this topic right now, so there is no way this little ‘ol blog is going to provide significant media exposure to this group now! BTW, I tend to be in the camp represented by this comment in Michelle’s post:

This is lazy terrorism, an slacker Islamist’s attempt at causing fear and panic without having to do the legwork. There’s a possibility the press release was calculated, but to me it smells like amateur hour. We’ve heard these ultimatums before, and the worst we saw was a bumped threat level and the national guard/state police posted on high level targets.

But for the record, I am not a terrorism expert and I am at a loss on how to treat this news.

One response so far

One Response to “Real Al Qaeda Threat?”

  1. Jay says:

    None of us are terrorism experts, and perhaps the MSM has ignored it for legitimate reasons. I’m with you, I’m not making judgement calls on it, but I would hate for it to actually be legitimate and completely ignored, and the public completely ignorant of it.