Jun 13 2005

Fix the UN Before Mo’ Money

Published by at 9:28 am under All General Discussions

Peter Brookes makes some good points in the NY Post today in support of legislation being pushed through Congress. The UN needs to overhauled and show results before the US puts a lot of money into it.

This week, the House of Representatives will debate and vote on the United Nations Reform Act of 2005, a bill requiring Turtle Bay to fix itself pronto — or lose a big chunk of the U.S. dollars that fund its operations.

Rep. Henry Hyde (R-Ill.), Chairman of the House International Relations Committee, says the bill’s purpose is to “address the U.N.’s legendary bureaucratization, billions of dollars spent on multitudes of programs with meager results, and outright misappropriation and mismanagement of funds.”

Seems logical and reasonable to me. It is our money they are spending.

Hyde believes that without applying appropriate “leverage,” such as withholding up to half of America’s assessed dues or mandating cuts in specific U.N. programs, that reforms “will fail or be incomplete at best.”

He’s absolutely right. Considering the U.S. pays 22 percent of the U.N. budget, a cut of that magnitude would be a painful dose of “tough love.”

Some will argue that this bill is meant to destroy the United Nations — but Hyde says he’s out to improve its effectiveness and efficiency.

I agree. What is destroying the UN is the UN. Either we fix it or replace it. But a dysfunctional sink hole for billions of dollars is not something we need or should live with.

2 responses so far

2 Responses to “Fix the UN Before Mo’ Money”

  1. milldini17 says:

    You know, that might be a step to cut back the deficit.

  2. AJStrata says:


    At least we should spend money on something that gets results. In fact, that IS a way to deal with the deficit – stop wasting money.