Sep 21 2009

President Barack Goebbels

Published by at 8:21 am under All General Discussions

I tell you what, this crowd of fools who came to DC under President Obama are a bunch of ignorant, power hungry asses. Andrew Breitbart is going to expose one of the most crass abuses of power and federal money for political gain since Nixon, and it is all due to the arrogant naiveté of the liberals that came to DC to ‘run the country’:

That Obama administration officials would make even tacit suggestions about potential artistic output to a collection of [National Endowment for the Arts] federal grant recipients is, itself, troubling. That these suggestions matched-up with very specific and time-sensitive legislative priorities should give us all pause.

But, there is even a larger issue that hasn’t yet received much attention in the press. Among the Obama Administration officials on the call were Buffy Wicks, Office of Public Engagement and the lead White House official on the President’s Serve.Gov initiative to promote national service. Also on the call was Nell Abernathy, Director of Outreach for Serve.Gov. One of their main goals on the call, it seems, was to encourage artists to produce works that would reinforce the President’s call for service; specifically through the Serve.Gov web-portal.

As Dana Loesch recently reported at Big Government, the Serve.Gov portal funnels citizens to volunteer or service projects connected with ACORN and other leftist groups. The taxpayer-funded website is evolving into a cyber-recruitment tool for the progressive movement.

Using federal resources to support or finance private political organizations is a big time crime. I can see how these juvenile anarchists could think everyone abuses power to their own agenda, but that is fairy tale hype told to gullible fools to make them believe the world is corrupt. The truth is few career civil servants would even think about doing such a thing – that’s what sets them apart from the political appointees and pols.

This will be one of the worst abuse of power and federal funds in the history of this nation if it is proved the NEA was acting as the propaganda ministry for the Obama administration and liberals in Congress (oh yes, they too will get caught in this one since they have to authorize the funds). Goebbels is green with jealousy right now.

23 responses so far

23 Responses to “President Barack Goebbels”

  1. lurker9876 says:

    Deny, deny, deny…smear, smear, smear!

    And already there is a Beck Derangement Syndrome.

    How about Fox Derangement Syndrome?

    “FAUX NEWS”?

    Can’t wait!

  2. […] Update: Malkin has more and AJ at Strata-Sphere also writing. […]

  3. lacegrl130 says:

    I am afraid (what used to be) the MSM will yawn and IGNORE this one as well. Again. They are arrogant and elite. Obama is an ‘o’bomination…

  4. ivehadit says:

    I have already seen this on Beck or O’Reilly, I believe. One of the participants on the show was a film maker who told us what was discussed and I believe their was audio of the conversation.

  5. Frogg1 says:

    NEA, ACORN, White House, Lies, and the cover up

    This story is out in full now. Go check Big Hollywood and Big Government Blogs. The whole thing is exposed along with audio and how it all relates.

  6. WWS says:

    the transcript of the call is out now.

    early opinion after a quick readthrough – legally, this is more significant than the Acorn revelations since this cuts right to the heart of the Obama adminstration. Hard to tell whether they broke the law or just walked right up to the edge of breaking it, though.

    As for public response, I don’t think it will draw as much attention as the Acorn story simply because it doesn’t have the wonderful street theatre that Giles and O’Keefe produced.

    The dinosaur media is guaranteed to sit this one out.

  7. Frogg1 says:

    Rush LImbaugh is playing the audio’s now. Sick. Sick. Sick. Our government is sick. Obama may try to use the “ACORN? Who’s ACORN?” defense; but, it looks to me that this is an ACORN White House. This is all at the heart of what American rage at the town halls and tea parties is about.

  8. kathie says:

    Obama told ACORN and the unions that they would have a seat at the table in his White House. It was a promise, not campaign rhetoric. So there you go. They are at the table, they are writing legislation, they are our new government, now that you can believe in.

  9. kathie says:

    If the middle of the roaders, those who are independent, thought that hope and change was for them, they must know by now that Obama was not speaking to them. He was speaking to those who he sees as having been disenfranchised, those who have been excluded from the American dream. If you want to know where the $800 billion stimulus is going, or who the Health Care money will take care of, or who gets the new cap and trade jobs he told us over and over again, to those who have not gotten a fair shake in the greed driven capitalist system.

  10. BarbaraS says:

    Obama is now talking about disarming our nuclear missles. He will talk to the UN about this also. When will it come to impeachment? After we are all dead?

  11. ivehadit says:

    Looking forward to Glenn Beck’s show today….

    This little nugget goes straight to Jarrett’s office a I understand it, Jarrett who bragged about snagging Van Jones for Czar (on video).

  12. owl says:

    I could not force myself to watch his TV blitz but did see some of the clips. I am with lucienne when they say they can’t believe he actually said what he said. No way. I heard it from HIS mouth that he had not been paying attention to ACORN and did not know they got all that money. Good grief.

    Can we just call him a liar when he does the obvious ones in our faces? A 5 year old couldn’t get by with most of these.

    Calling ODM (Old Dead Media).

  13. WWS says:

    owl, did you like the part where charging people a “fee” for not having insurance is NOT a tax? Stephanopoulis actually did a pretty good job with that one. Obama’s argument is essentially – “who you gonna believe, Me or that lyin’ dictionary you got???”

    Btw, as has been noted, even the Baucus plan which proposes it calls it a tax. I guess Baucus didn’t know that he had “misspoke.”

  14. KauaiBoy says:

    I liked when he noted to Stephanosaur that if you need to take out the dictionary and look something up then something is wrong. Exactly the point bobo!!!!

    This guy is a coward and a liar, can’t face up to over half the population who don’t believe a word he says. He is everything our enemies and fair weather friends could ask for.

    Probably the most divisive President ever appointed.

    “Barack Obama—-More Wrong than Wright”

  15. SallyVee says:

    Breitbart’s father-in-law is the elegant actor from the Golden Age, Orson Bean.

    Bean has a vivid little companion piece today which strikes a rather upbeat attitude, namely, that he has seen this type of commie nonsense “come and go before” though he hopes it “doesn’t last as long as it did back then…”

    Artists and Their Marching Orders

  16. owl says:

    Yeah wws, that was pretty good. Don’t you know that even the ODM has to wish they could go back to looking in Sarah’s garbage vs this crap they having to dig in knee deep.

    I forgot to give Andrew Breithart credit for the best shot EVER at the ODM. I have been repeating the MSM gripe for years until I felt like a parrot fool but the only site I found that hit them everyday was S&L. Breithart did this exactly right. It has NEVER been the dirt/story/crime. If it had been, The Won would have been toast. Nope, it was getting it past the guard. He understood and shot it right past them. Wow.

    After all, they managed to spin and ignore a million people in their backyard. Breithart has made them look like fools.

  17. […] writing… Atlas, Geraghety, Power Line, Instapundit, Hot Air, Malkin, AJ and … well … every other friggin’ blog I […]

  18. theBuckWheat says:

    Thus we have the unveiling of the Fascist-Artist Complex.

  19. WWS says:

    Sallyvee, I remember Orson Bean, I always liked him. I had no idea there was a connection between the two!!! Thanks for the tip.

  20. Terrye says:

    The audacity of these people is just stunning. Barack acts as if he does not even know the ACORN people, and there are all sorts of clips of him promising them they will help him shape the agenda for his administration…and there they are, throngs of them…applauding hysterically, and now this. What are the chances that Valerie Jarett will be the next to go.