Jun 10 2009

Another Extremist Goes Violent

Published by at 3:36 pm under All General Discussions

Update: Seems this nutter related with both fringes, since we now learn he is a 9-11 truther as well:

Holocaust Museum shooter von Brunn a 9/11 ‘truther’ who hated ‘neo-cons’, Bush, McCain

Wonder what drew this guy to the extreme fringes? What did he find he could relate to?  Hard to tell, since both extremes tended to hate Bush. – end update

Sometimes people are so extreme you just can’t place them on the left or right fringes. But if I was forced to put the latest racist, holocaust denier to go nuts and start shooting people onto one fringe or the other I would have to say he is certainly opposed to liberal policies and beliefs:

An 89-year-old white supremacist and Holocaust denier opened fire in Washington’s Holocaust Museum today, wounding at least one before being shot in the head by security officers.

He is clearly a Holocaust denier – a belief decried by Mr Obama during his speech to the Muslim world in Cairo last week. Von Brunn bemoans that “Jews control all important sources of information”, and claims that there is a Jewish conspiracy to destroy the white gene pool. He also wrote: “America is a Third-World racial garbage-dump – stupid, ignorant, dead broke, and terminal. Whites LOVE their Enemies. Prepare to die, Whitey.” One of heroes he cites is World War II Real Admiral John Crommelin, a notorious anti-Semite who later ran for governor of Alabama.

Let me be clear, this whack job is not a conservative, nor would anyone on the right agree with his views, and definitely not his actions.

With that said, if I was working for DHS and was asked to place him on one extreme ‘wing’ or the other, he would have to go to the right side of the ledger. Which is why the drama queens on the right who felt the DHS report was an attack on law abiding conservatives were being totally ridiculous in pretending our security resources where targeting. This is another example of violent extremists which the DHS is rightfully concerned about, and SHOULD BE monitoring and alerting local law enforcement to be on the lookout for.

Sadly, I don’t think this will be the last (left or right). The rhetoric has become so unnecessarily heated between left and right that these whack jobs think the time is now to become the hero they always fantasized they would be. This is why responsible people keep their debates cool headed and reasonable.

44 responses so far

44 Responses to “Another Extremist Goes Violent”

  1. kathie says:

    Have you seen this AJ?

    In a story by Stephen F. Hayes in the Weekly Standard, The Obama Administration has ordered the FBI and CIA to give terrorists anywhere in the world the Rights of an American Citizen, they must be read their Miranda rights.

    No wonder we no longer call it the “war” on terror. We are conducting law enforcement on foreign soil. Can anyone answer this question? By what power do we have the right to conduct law enforcement operations on foreign soil? Does that mean that the UN can come into the United States and pick up Bush for torture? Just asking!

  2. mikedido58 says:

    AJ you are a very intellegent man but you must be losing your mind. Who are the most staunch supporters of Isreal? Liberals? We know thats not true. Look at Obama’s emerging policy on Isreal. Is that a pro Isreal stance? Give me a break. The Conservative Republicans (right-wingers) are the pro Isreal political faction in this country. Case closed.

    BTW- Many mMuslims and Iranian’s are Holocaust deniers, are they Right Wing Conservatives. Were all Muslims put on the DHS list? Why are you defending a list that the DHS head Napliatano and the Obama Administration would not defend? What is going on with you??

  3. GuyFawkes says:

    “Let me be clear, this whack job is not a conservative, nor would anyone on the right agree with his views, and definitely not his actions.”

    It’s a shame you could haven’t used that simple logic with the left, and the Dr. Tiller shooter.

  4. Terrye says:

    Oh for Heavans sake AJ. The man was born in 1920, he is probably senile. And no one ever said that a white supremicist should not be looked at by the DHS.

    I mean come on, the staunchest supporters of Israel in the United States are conservative Republicans.

    The truth is when it comes to hating the Jews, the extreme left and the extreme right actually have a lot in common.

    But the DHS report you keep going on about was far too general to be useful. And they admitted as much and promised to do it over again.

  5. Terrye says:


    I think the murder of Tiller was a bad bad thing and I hope the man who did it never sees the light of day again.

    But he is not representative of the millions of Americans who are pro life. No more than Kos screaming Screw em about dead Americans in Fallujah is representative of everyone who did not support the war in Iraq.

  6. Terrye says:

    In fact this guy who shot the guard at the Holocaust Museum tried a similar attack on the Federal Reserve in 1981. He was well known to authorities long before that silly DHS report was ever wriiten and then withdrawn.

  7. Terrye says:

    This is part of what Ed Morrisey had to say about this:

    Yet again, we have a despicable attack based on hatred and political extremism, the third such attack in two weeks to result in fatalities. Doubtless many people will try to find ways to score political points, like the e-mailer who waited a whole 20 minutes to blame conservatives for dismissing the DHS report on right-wing extremism for this tragedy. To that, I’d respond that our criticism was that the DHS report didn’t focus on known, specific threats, instead making generalized threats about abortion opponents and other vague and broad generalizations about conservative issues. In fact, it never mentioned Holocaust denial at all, nor did it mention anti-semitism at all [see Update V below], either; those terms don’t appear at all in the report. And despite being well-known as a threat since the 1980s, the DHS never bothered to identify von Brunn or his organization as a specific threat in the report — which, again, was the heart of our criticism.

  8. GuyFawkes says:

    Argh, I screwed that up. What I meant was:

    “Let me be clear, this whack job is not a conservative, nor would anyone on the right agree with his views, and definitely not his actions.”

    It’s a shame you could haven’t used that simple logic with the left, and the Muslim that shot the army recruiter.

  9. Terrye says:

    This guy was a Truther too and he hated neocons Guy, maybe he is one of yours.

  10. MerlinOS2 says:

    You don’t even need to second guess how the nutroots are spinning this incident

  11. Terrye says:


    No doubt. However, they did not have any problem ignoring Jeremiah Wright and his rants about Jews. Somehow Obama was able to sit through those for 20 years. In fact if anyone deserves to be on a watch list with the DHS, it might be the guy screaming God Damn America!

  12. GuyFawkes says:


    Classy as always. So, by your logic, someone who speaks badly about America is more dangerous than someone who actually goes around shooting other people?

    Nice to know you have your priorities straight.

  13. Dodginblue says:

    Not sure I really get how you put this killer on the right. In his previous crime spree, he went after the Federal Reserve, hardly a left wing organization. Plus I understand from other news reports that he was into the 9/11 conspiracies and that puts him with the wacko left. Basically he was an equal opportunity hater and all around nut.

    No government report, whatever its purpose, is going to stop the lone gunman who wakes up one morning and decides it’s a good day for killing, whatever his motives or supposed political leanings. And in the last few weeks we’ve seen that law enforcement was very well aware in advance that a particular person could be a problem. They knew it with the abortion doctor’s killer and the Muslim convert who killed the Army private and with this 89 year old man today. They didn’t need the DHS report for that. And there’s not a thing they really could have done to stop any of these psychos. Patting yourself on the back about how you were right in defending the report actually makes you look a little silly in light of what’s happened the last few weeks.

  14. Neo says:

    I’ve seen comments elsewhere that the DHS document did not include “anti-semite” groups, which sort of left this guy in the ignored fringes.

  15. sherman50 says:

    This is exactly why the Leftist who wrote that part of the DHS report did it. So the Left could smear the entire Right every time some nut went on a shooting spree (which is bound to happen occasionally in a country of 300 million people). It’s basically an indirect way for the Left to try and intimidate anyone who dares to criticize Obama into silence.

  16. crosspatch says:

    “Extremists” always go violent. That’s how they get the name “extremist”.

  17. AJ: I’m not so sure it’s as cut & dried as you think, in terms of what side of the Political Spectrum this nutbag is actually on.

    Nor is it “given”, that White Supremecists are “rightwing”, as a lot of people, and the MSM automatically assume.

    White Supremecists are Racists, that’s true, and mainly Anti-Semitic, but so was Hitler, and he was NOT “Rightwing”; he was a Leftwing Socialist as we all know.

    “White Supremecists” in this country are Anti-Semitic, Anti-Black, Anti-Neocon (a codeword for “Jews”); they are Anti-Democracy, Anti-Capitalism, Anti-World Trade, Anti-immigration, EXTREME “Nationalists”; etc. In those regards, they have more in common with Hitler and the Nazis, than they have ever had with the “Rightwing”.

    Hitler was an Extreme German “Nationalist”, and a Racist, obviously, agains Jews, against Blacks (Jesse Owens, anyone?), and what people tend to forget, against SLAVS i.e. the Russians, as well! That’s why he attacked them, he HATED Slavs.

    People on the Left have used Hitler’s attack on Stalin/the Russians/The Slaves, for 60 years, to misrepresent what really went on there; they say because Hitler attacked the Communist Russians(who were leftwing), that made Hitler “rightwing”!

    No, in fact, Hitler was a Leftwing Racist Socialist Fascist, who hated Slavs, and attacked the Russians who were even more to the Left than he; but that didn’t make Hitler “Rightwing”.

    The Left in this country, has misrepresented this again, for over 60 years, in order to rewrite and revise history, and give cover to their own Appalling History of Racism.

    It was the Left in this country, embodied in the Democratic Party, that founded the KKK (Nathan Bedford Forest was a Democrat); it was the Democratic Party, that nutured, implemented, and extended Jim Crow, and made Reconstruction a living Hell for Blacks in this country. It was the so-called “Radical Republicans”, in Tennesee, Arkansas & Texas, that stood up for the Black Freedmen, and in many cases, actually went to war against the KKK to protect Blacks during Reconstruction!

    Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, was a Registered REPUBLICAN, by the way.

    80% of the Republican Party, voted for the Civil Rights Act in 1964, 80%+ of the Democratic Party, voted AGAINST it!

    It was the Republican Party that passed the Civil Rights Act, NOT “LBJ” as popular fiction, put forth by Hillary Clinton and Barack HUSSEIN Obama (PBUH)(SWT)(SAW) among others, like to profess.

    John F. Kennedy himself, as a Democratic Congressman, voted AGAINST the 1957 Civil Rights Act, in lock step with his Democratic Collegues, when President Eisenhower tried to get is passed!

    Something the Liberal Left goes apoplectic about, when you prove it to them!

    The only member of the KKK, currently serving in the US Senate or Congress, as we all know, is Senator Robert “KKK” Byrd, (D) from West Virginia!

    The only former President, who was a Govenor of a Southern State, to sign a law making a State Holiday of Confederate President Jefferson Davis’ Birthday, was Bill Clinton by they way, NOT George W. Bush, as most incorrectly assume.

    Clinton also has a brother, infamously caught on tape, using the “N” word DOZENS of times, and the Left never once castigated Clinton himself for it; but can you imagine if it had been Bush’s Brother? Not to even mention Robert “KKK” Byrd being caught on Videotape, TWICE, in the past 15 years, using the “N”-word liberally, and never being called to task for it!

    Or Hillary’s use of the term you “Damn Jews”; when she got angry at one of her supporters; again, completely ignored by the Left!

    Anyway, here’s some interesting analysis on the currect topic, that I think may be of interest to you:


    This jives with my own personal research on White Supremecists, and I think it’s something you should seriously take a look at!

  18. PS: another reason Hitler hated the Russians, is because they were “Communists”, and as far as he was concerned, the Communist party was controlled by JEWS: i.e. Karl Marx, Leon Trotsky, etc., were Jewish.

    And he hated “Capitalism”; because it was controlled by the JEWS as well, such as the Rockefellers, etc.

    Unlike the good Socialists/Fascists in Germany, like Hitler; he was bound and determined to not let the Jews control the country/movement.

  19. lacegrl130 says:

    “This is exactly why the Leftist who wrote that part of the DHS report did it. So the Left could smear the entire Right every time some nut went on a shooting spree”

    Thanks for pointing this out – however if they try to resurrect this ‘warning” they have one problem…

    Seems like they should have released the report in like 1945 since that is about when this guy would have been getting out of the army, if was ever in it. Maybe the fact that HE IS 89 YEARS OLD means this variety of white supremacist is DYING OUT. We can hope and pray – maybe we should be on the look out for more old farts who are bigots and now feel it is safe to risk death or arrest. If this guy lives and goes to trial and gets life – it could only mean 10 years MAX.

    By the way – he hated Christians and Bill O’Reilly. Sounds like he is hard to peg. He is just a guy who is sick and filled to the brim with sludge – hate hate hate.