Sep 11 2008

Riddle Me This – Why Keep Beating The Community Organizer Drum?

Published by at 10:58 pm under 2008 Elections,All General Discussions

Alan Colmes is pushing the idea that the slam on Obama’s Community Experience is a racist attack. He has been on this all night. Why? Doesn’t Obama have the African American vote sewn up?

Or does he? Why pull out the race card now, unless they see something truly frightening in their internal polls. Just speculating here. Is Obama losing some of the African American support he had locked up ….?

11 responses so far

11 Responses to “Riddle Me This – Why Keep Beating The Community Organizer Drum?”

  1. Concerned Citizen says:

    Community Organizer = PARASITE

    Everyone now understands this, it has nothing to do with race.

    Every time this is brought up, it makes Obama look like an empty suit — it isn’t a real job.

  2. WWS says:

    I think libs are desperate – they have nothing else to fall back on.

  3. J.D. says:

    Hannity read excerpts today from Obama’s book wherein he confesses that his time as “an organizer” was an utter failure. He lamented how the community continued on a downward slide even as The One “organized” on their behalf.

    As for me, I’d love to know where I can send $20 to help his brother in Kenya. That would pay his rent for a year with $8 to play with, a little “change he can believe in.” Charity begins at home.

  4. momdear1 says:

    Let’s see. All those ” community organizers” that swarmed all over the south in the 1960’s were white college students who had no idea about the relationships between Blacks and Whites in the South. As a result of their “Community Organizing” there is a wall of hostility between the races that did not exist before. I believe the names they went by back then were “Agitators.” All they did was go around and tell blacks how bad they were being treated by the whites and organizing them to march, protest, and demand special treatment and affirmative action, which is nothing more than pushing blacks to the front of the line in front of Whites. They managed to integrate the schools in the south , but thanks to powerful Southern politicians in Wash. DC it was also applied nationwide. As a result, Now, everybody gets the same type of education that was once common in the old, all black segregated schools. The education system has been dumbed down to the lowest common denominator. and only the brightest students, who can learn on their own, gradute from high school with enough knowledge to hold down a job. This is proven by all the remedial courses available to would be college students. In addition, instead to the Blacks adapting to the white culture, white children adopted the black culture. Geee thanks all you good old well intentioned community organizers. All you managed to do was screw up the entire country, create hostility between the races, and destroy our education system. And worst of all, you affirmative actioned incompetents into jobs they couldn’t perform thereby helping destroy our economy and sending our once great country down the road to third world status.

  5. crosspatch says:

    What is really funny is that Obama today said that small town mayors have one of the hardest jobs.

  6. RattlerGator says:

    momdear1, I’m not sure you want to go there quite the way you did.

    They are beating the community organizer thing for one obvious reason — and momdear1 hinted at it. They are losing, for lack of a better word, the white guilt vote — which is another reason the Palin choice was sheer genius. Palin snaps enough white folks out of their guilt hypnosis so they can do an actual comparison.

    BLT Barry loses in that comparison and loses badly.

    As long as the McCain – Palin team walks this thing home right down the middle of the road, this thing is over.

  7. lurker9876 says:

    Momdeari, thanks for the post.

    Drudgereport says that Obama is going to sharpen tact against McCain and Palin.

    I still think Obama will not be able to gain the momentum that he lost to Palin.

    No wonder Obama agreed to last night’s forum and O’Reilly’s interview.

    Palin has proven to us that she can handle off the cuff interviews. Good job, Palin!!

  8. gwood says:

    If Obama is losing some of the black vote, my guess is it’s among black females. How could they not identify with a woman with five kids, a full time job, pro-life and involved with her church? They not only identify with her, they admire her when they hear she has dispensed with some no-good men.

  9. RattlerGator says:

    Trust me, he’s not losing any black females. It’s the white females in the middle; that’s who Barack is losing and if he loses them, look out Pennsylvania and Michigan. Lose enough of them, look out Democrats up and down the ticket across the nation.

    I wish more black women would identify with her. I think they should, objectively. But two conversations with close relatives just yesterday reinforced to me the probability that they see her as the enemy standing in the way of a black man winning this election. That attitude is not going to change this election cycle.

  10. Cepan says:

    Have you seen this???

    Gallup says the GOP could take BACK Congress from the loon libs.

    THIS is why the Democrats are jumping ship.

    I predicted a 7% McCain win BEFORE the Convention….

    ( )

    Now I say it looks like double digits and a HUGE Electoral College win….325-350…..

    What fun!!!


  11. combat18 says:

    The race issue is an old standard of the Democrat Party and the first, rather than the last, crutch of black candidates. It works well with blacks and the radical left, including the media. However, it has never worked in a national campaign by a presidential candidate. Jimmy Carter avoided it other than using it with black audiences and the media ignored it so as not to antagonize white voters. Bill Clinton reversed it so he could appear moderate to the average white voter with his Sister Souljah moment. However he went on to nominate Launie Guiner and Bill Lan Lee, radical racist minorities. The Obamessiah however is living in a fantasy land or overestimated the use of the race issue. He thinks he can browbeat whites into voting for him. I guess he has been to too many rock concerts where the deracinated whites hangout.